Page 9 - Student Hand Book - Scaffolding - L&T CSTI Serampore
P. 9

         Component is a part of a scaffold system that cannot be dismantled further, e.g. diagonal or verti-

         cal frame.

         Configuration is a particular arrangement of connected components.

         Connection device

         Connection device is a device that connects two or more components.


         Element is an integral (e.g. welded) part of a component, such as a transom of a vertical frame.

         System configuration

         System configuration is a configuration of the scaffold system comprising a complete scaffold or
         a representative section from it.


         Assessment is the checking process establishing whether everything complies with the require-
         ments specified in this standard.

                                      Other Common Scaffolding Terms

         Brick guard

         Brick guard is a metal or other fender filling the gap between the guard-rail and the toe-board,

         and sometimes incorporating one or both of these components.

         Bridle is a tube fixed across an opening or parallel to the face of a building to support the inner

         end of a transom or tie tube.
         Butting transom

         Butting  transom  is  a  transom  extended  inwards  to  butt  the  building  to  prevent  the  scaffolding
         moving towards the building.

         Cantilever bracket or stage bracket

         Cantilever bracket or stage bracket is a bracket usually attached to the inside of a scaffold to en-
         able boards to be placed between the scaffold and the building.

         Castor is a swiveling wheel secured to the base of a vertical member for the purpose of mobiliz-

         ing the scaffold.

         Check coupler or safety coupler
         Check coupler or safety coupler is a coupler added to a joint under load to give security to the

         coupler(s) carrying the load.
         Participant Handbook : Scaffolding                                                                    9
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