Page 51 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
P. 51


         and are primed to continue   PO W E R SC OU R T         both  rewarding  and  highly
         this progress into 2022 as they   Wicklow               enjoyable.  Whether  it’s  the
         look  forward  to  returning  to  a   Powerscourt  Golf  Club  is  an   ‘East’  or  ‘West’,  your  society
         time  when  a  golfer’s  biggest   immensely popular venue. The   is  guaranteed  to have an
         concern was whether or not to   36-hole championship layout   unforgettable experience, so
         pack the rain gear.         ensures  availability  7  days   make sure it’s on the shortlist
                                     a  week  for  societies,  add  to   for 2022.
         With over 350 golf courses in   that friendly staff, outstanding
         Ireland,  there  is  ample  choice   facilities,  and  excellent dining,   THE  K  C L UB
         to  consider  when  deciding   and  it’s  not  hard  to  see  why   Kildare
         which  courses  to  play  as  part   so many societies flock to the   The K Club has become one of
         of your 2022 society calendar.   Estate  each  year.  The  ‘East’   the most popular golf courses
         Throughout this section, we’ve   course  at  Powerscourt  offers   in  Leinster.  The  best  way  to
         highlighted a mixture of high-  something  for  everyone,  with   describe the Arnold Palmer-
         end courses and ‘captain’s day’   the traditional mix of four par   designed   ‘Palmer   South’
         venues  such  as  Powerscourt   3’s  &  par  5’s,  and  10  par  4’s.   course is that of an inland links
         Golf Club,  The K Club and   It  is  an  incredibly  enjoyable   golf course.  The golf course
         Killarney Golf & Fishing Club to   round  of  golf,  with  3  of  the   has many dramatic landscapes
         venues that provide exceptional   par  3’s  playing  downhill,  and   with  dune  style  mounding
         value for money including   the fourth and signature par   throughout  the  Kildare
         Bunclody  Golf  &  Fishing  Club,   3, the 16th hole, playing over   Golf Resort.  The K Club is
         Tulfarris  Golf Club, Dundrum   water. The ‘West’ course offers   guaranteed to offer enjoyment
         House Golf Club and Headfort   a completely different feel and   to golfers of all playing abilities.
         Golf Club, to name just a few.  test  which  makes  the  course   If  you’re  looking  to  host  a

                                                                                             Powerscourt Golf Club

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