Page 53 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
P. 53


         The condition of the course   TULF ARRI S   HO TEL  &   extensive investment program
         is almost second to none,   GOLF  RES OR T              which has massively improved
         the  greens  were  built  to  the   Wicklow             the  overall  golfing  experience
         highest  USGA  specifications.   Tulfarris  Hotel  &  Golf  Resort   at the resort. If your society has
         Use of the landscape is a key   is a luxury four-star hotel and   not  played at  Tulfarris  in the
         feature of Rathsallagh and this   golf  resort  that  is  owned  and   last couple of years, make sure
         is truly apparent as the golfer   run by an international hotel   it’s on the shortlist for 2022.
         ambles through the exciting   and hospitality management
         newly configured layout. When   company, PREM Group.  The   KILKE A  C A S TLE
         golfers finish on the 18th green,   18-hole championship golf   GOLF  C L UB
         it  is  just  a  few  steps  to  reach   course should present plenty   Kildare
         the sanctuary of the clubhouse   of challenges to golfers of all    Kilkea golf course has been
         veranda. Rathsallagh Golf Club   abilities,  with  several  holes   developed in a magnificent
         is an ideal venue for all types   flanked   by   the   beautiful   setting, beneath the
         of society and corporate golf   Blessington Lakes. Over the   shadows of a 12th century
         days, so be sure to consider it   past number of years, PREM   Castle. In constructing this
         for your next society event.   Group have embarked on an

                                                                                          Rathsallagh Golf & Country Club

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