Page 52 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
P. 52


     Dundrum House Hotel

         to golfers of all playing abilities.   and parkland, adorned by   estates. Located near the
         If  you’re  looking  to  host  a   the Multeen River, Philip has   picturesque   heritage   town
         society or corporate event,   created an exhilarating, par   of Kells in County Meath, it
         there are few venues to match   72  course  over  7,200  yards.   is easily accessible and just
         the quality and service of The K   Society  Golf  is  always  at  the   35  minutes  from  Dublin.
         Club!  Surely, a ‘must’ for your   forefront of this highly sought-  Whether  you  choose to play
         2022 society calendar!      after Munster golf resort and   the Championship Course or
                                     with  society  green  fee  rates   the Old Course, your society
                                     starting  from  just  €30,  it’s   members  will  leave  having
         D UNDR UM  HO US E
         GOLF  C L UB                easy to see why it’s growing in   played a very enjoyable round
                                     popularity year on year.    of golf.
         Dundrum House Golf Club
         is  a  ‘must-play’  golf  course   HE ADFOR T  GOLF  C L UB  RA TH S ALL A GH
         when  planning  your  2022  golf   Meath                GOLF   &  C O UNTR Y  C L UB
         outings.  The impressive 18-  Headfort Golf Club is an      Wicklow
         hole championship parkland   outstanding 36-hole parkland   Rathsallagh  Golf  Club,
         golf  course  has  been  woven   complex  dominated  by  located  in  County  Wicklow,
         into the fabric of a mature   magnificent  specimen  trees   is  one  of  the  finest  parkland
         Georgian  estate  which  was   and  river  scenery.  Both  courses  in  Ireland.  The  18-
         designed by 1995 Ryder Cup   courses take full advantage   hole  championship  golf
         hero Philip Walton. Using the   of the natural beauty of one   course  is  routed  over  rolling
         natural  features  of  woodland   of  Ireland’s  oldest  and  finest   terrain and mature parkland.

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