Page 54 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
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         championship  course,  the  the  Carlow  Wexford  border.   investment in the property, with
         designers have cleverly used   Opened in March 2009 its   a modern new golf clubhouse.
         the River Griese as a natural   already consistently ranked   The clubhouse has been
         hazard  flowing  through  the   among the best parkland   designed with a contemporary
         Castle grounds and estate.   courses  in  Ireland,  which  is  a   form  using  traditional
         The combination of this water   testament to the playability and  materials to sit discretely into
         and a variety of other hazards   condition of the golf course.   the  protected  landscape  of
         and interesting greens ensures   Historically,  Bunclody  will  be   the estate and is conveniently
         the golfer playing the course   known  for  being  the  first  golf   located adjacent to the 18th
         has a considered challenge   course to have an elevator,   green. With a light and airy
         on his or her hands.  The   which  takes  you  from  the   bar and restaurant area and
         clubhouse offers golfers the   17th  green,  up  5  floors  to   spacious terrace overlooking
         opportunity  to  unwind  and   the  18th  tee  box.  Societies   the lush Farnham Estate, the
         relax after their game. Kilkea   and corporate groups are   new clubhouse is an excellent
         Castle really is an exciting   welcome  seven  days  a  week.  addition  for  guests  and
         choice for your society in 2022.                        golfers alike.  The golf course
                                     F ARHNHAM  ES T A TE
         B UNC L OD Y   GOLF  &      GOLF  C L UB
         FI S HING  C L UB            Cavan
          Wexford                    Farnham  Estate  Spa  &  Golf
         Bunclody  Golf  &  Fishing  Club   Resort  recently  completed
         is situated on 300 acres of   the latest phase of ongoing
         breath-taking parklands on

      Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort

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