Page 145 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 145
The word InnoVenture, in the National level Innoventure on January
stems from two words written and telephonic 19, 2019.
Innovation and Venture- rounds conducted by
two things that have InnoVenture and 8 DPSI Aryav Garg won the third
INNOVATIONS IN revolutionized the world students qualified for the prize in the Grade 6
category at the National
and created history. The finals.
Level in the final round.
ultimate purpose of the
competition organized Raunak Garhyan, Gauri He received a trophy
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION equip children with the of Grade 4, Yash Xavier achievement.
by InnoVenture is to J. Nair, Aahana Gupta and certificate for this
ability to create solutions of Grade 5, Aryav Garg
of MYP1, and Maanya
for real life challenges.
Pagare of MYP4 went
Several interested students to Pune to take part
from DPSI participated in the final round of