Page 150 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 150


               SCIENCE DAY

               On March 6th, 2019,  Wheels’  for specially  second to ensure a safe
               DPSI      conducted        an    abled  people,  giving  drive; ‘Cyber Lens’ which
               assembly on ‘National  not only comfort, but  are                          colour     blindness
               Science Day’ where each  security and safety at the  implants; ‘Stem Cells’;
               class from MYP 1 – DP 1  same time; ‘Ultrasonic  ‘Driving                                Against
               presented an innovation  Spectacles’  which  can  Disability’; and many
               in technology to assist a  sense objects as specific  more such innovations to
               specially  abled person.  as a rock on the street  make life easier for  the
               Every class presented their  or as big as a pole;  physically challenged.
               self-invented  innovation  ‘The Bionic Body’; ‘A
               to  support  people  with  Vehicle for  the  Blind’
               physical challenges.             complete with a manual
                                                and  navigation  system
               Students          proposed       that  will run on satellite
               innovations like ‘Wonder  images of roads every
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