Page 149 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 149
- Mehr Ummat
On April 3 2019, the musical development.
music department hosted
an assembly to celebrate This was followed by solo
the International Day and group performances
of Jazz. Jazz Day is by the students in various
celebrated in order to styles ranging from
highlight Jazz and its role contemporary jazz,
in uniting people in all blues and pop, to the
parts of the globe. more eclectic indie and
country, all the way to
The program began with pure western classical.
a brief introduction of the Two groups of MYP1
topic by Ms Pooja Anand also presented their self-
(MYP Music Facilitator), made compositions to
who explained what demonstrate the element
musical genres are and of texture as it relates to
why it is important for the uniqueness of each
children to explore them genre.
at this stage of their