Page 148 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 148



               On April 24, 2019 World  in             the     environment.
               Meteorological Day was  Students explored and
               celebrated during the  tried various experiments
               school assembly.  Each  to set up their weather
               class was instructed to set  stations. In the assembly,
               up a weather station and  they            presented       their
               measure  the following  experiments                        and
               parameters:        Humidity,     recordings based on the
               Temperature, Sunrise &  set parameters. It was a
               Sunset, Global Weather  great learning experience
               Influences  and Plants  for the students as they
               and Animals indicators.          were given an opportunity
                                                to go beyond their class
               A month’s time was               curriculum and  conduct
               provided         to       the    different experiments.
               students to record these
               parameters and changes
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