Page 25 - Essential Haematology
P. 25

Chapter 1  Haemopoiesis  /  11

                                                                which phosophorylate downstream protein targets
                                      M phase
                                                                and  cyclins  which bind to Cdks and regulate their
                                                                activity. An example of the importance of these
                                                                systems is demonstrated by mantle cell lymphoma
                                                                which results from the constitutive activation of
                                                 G 0            cyclin D1 as a result of a chromosomal translocation
                        Cdk2                                    (see  p. 267   ).
                                             G 1
                                    G 2
                               Cyclin                  Cyclin
                                         S              E
                                                                 Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is a regulated
                                      Interphase                process of physiological cell death in which indi-
                                                                vidual cells are triggered to activate intracellular
                                                                proteins that lead to the death of the cell.
                                                                Morphologically it is characterized by cell shrink-
                                                                age, condensation of the nuclear chromatin, frag-
                        DNA content 4c                          mentation of the nucleus and cleavage of DNA at
                                                                internucleosomal sites. It is an important process for
                                                                lymphocyte development.
                         2c                                     maintaining tissue homeostasis in haemopoiesis and
                                                                     Apoptosis results from the action of intracellular
                                  G 1          S        G 2  M
                                                                cysteine proteases called  caspases  which are acti-
                                                                vated following cleavage and lead to endonuclease
                                        Phase of cell cycle
                       (b)                                      digestion of DNA and disintegration of the cell

                                                                skeleton (Fig.  1.11 ). There are two major pathways

                                Figure 1.10   (a)  The stages of the cell cycle.   by which caspases can be activated. Th e first is by

                      Progression through cell cycle is regulated by specifi c   signalling through membrane proteins such as Fas
                      combinations of cyclin - dependent protein kinases   or  TNF receptor via their intracellular death
                      (Cdk) and cyclin proteins. The synthesis and degrada-  domain. An example of this mechanism is shown
                      tion of different cyclins stimulates the cell to pass   by activated cytotoxic T cells expressing FAS ligand
                      through the different phases of the cell cycle.   which induce apoptosis in target cells. Th e second
                        (b)  Relationship between the DNA content of a cell
                                                                pathway is via the release of cytochrome c from
                      expressed in arbitrary units as 2c increasing to 4c and
                                                                mitochondria. Cytochrome c binds to APAF - 1
                      its position in the cell cycle.  (Adapted from
                                                                which then activates caspases. DNA damage
                      Wickramasinghe S.N. (1975)  Human Bone Marrow ,
                                                                induced by irradiation or chemotherapy may act
                      Blackwell Scientifi c, Oxford, p. 13.)
                                                                through this pathway. The protein p53 has an

                                                                important role in sensing DNA damage. It activates
                                                                apoptosis by raising the cell level of BAX which
                                                                then increases cytochrome c release (Fig.  1.11 ). P53
                      be assessed by exposing cells to a chemical or radi-  also shuts down the cell cycle to stop the damaged
                      olabel that gets incorporated into newly generated  cell from dividing (Fig.  1.8 ). Th  e cellular level of
                      DNA or by fl ow cytometry.                p53 is rigidly controlled by a second protein
                          The cell cycle is controlled by two  checkpoints   MDM2. Following death, apoptotic cells display

                      which act as brakes to coordinate the division  molecules that lead to their ingestion by
                      process at the end of the G  1   and G  2   phases. Two  macrophages.
                      major classes of molecules control these check-    As well as molecules that mediate apoptosis
                      points,  cyclin - dependent  protein  kinases   (Cdk)  there are several intracellular proteins that protect
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