Page 28 - Essential Haematology
P. 28

14  /  Chapter 1  Haemopoiesis

                        differentiation, functional activity or   proteins (e.g. BAX) to anti - apoptotic
                        suppress apoptosis.                     proteins (e.g. BCL - 2) determines the cell

                            ■    Transcription factors are molecules that   susceptibility to apoptosis.

                        bind to DNA and control the transcription         ■    Adhesion molecules are a large family of
                        of specifi c genes or gene families.     glycoproteins that mediate attachment of
                            ■    Apoptosis is a physiological process of cell   marrow precursors and mature leucocytes

                        death resulting from activation of caspases.   and platelets to extracellular matrix,
                        The intracellular ratio of pro - apoptotic   endothelium and to each other.

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