Page 32 - Essential Haematology
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18  /  Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia

                                       Bone marrow
                        Stem cells Early BFU-E Late BFU-E  CFU-E (Pro)normoblasts

                                                                                   Figure 2.4   The production of

                                                                         erythropoietin by the kidney in
                                                                         response to its oxygen (O  2  ) supply.
                                                    Circulating          Erythropoietin stimulates erythropoi-
                                                     red cells           esis and so increases O  2   delivery.
                                                                         BFU  E  , erythroid burst - forming unit;
                                                                         CFU  E  , erythroid colony - forming unit.
                                                                         Hypoxia induces hypoxia inducible
                                    interstitial cells                   factors (HIFs)  α  and  β , which
                                    of outer cortex                      stimulate erythropoietin production.
                                                 O  delivery
                                                                         Von - Hippel – Lindau (VHL) protein
                                      O 2  sensor                        breaks down HIFs. PHD2 (prolyl
                                     (HIFα and β)                        hydroxylase) hydroxylates HIF - 2 α
                                                    Atmospheric O 2
                                                    O -dissociation curve  allowing VHL binding to HIFs.
                                                    Cardiopulmonary function  Mutations in VHL, PHD2 or HIF - 2 α
                                       Kidney       Haemoglobin concentration  underlie congenital polycythaemia
                                                    Renal circulation
                                                                         (see p. 208).
                    stimulate erythropoietin production. Th e erythro-  ing in bone deformities with frontal bossing and
                    poietin gene contains a Hif response element   protrusion of the maxilla (see  p. 95 ).
                    at its 3   end. Erythropoietin production therefore     Conversely, increased O  2   supply to the tissues
                    increases in anaemia, when haemoglobin for some   (because of an increased red cell mass or because
                    metabolic or structural reason is unable to give up   haemoglobin is able to release its O  2   more readily
                    O  2   normally, when atmospheric O  2   is low or when   than normal) reduces the erythropoietin drive.
                    defective cardiac or pulmonary function or damage   Tissue hypoxia also stimulates new blood vessel for-
                    to the renal circulation aff ects  O  2   delivery to the   mation by vascular endothelial growth factor
                    kidney.                                   (VEGF) and reduces transferrin but lowers hepci-
                        Erythropoietin stimulates erythropoiesis by   din synthesis (see  p. 38 ).
                    increasing the number of progenitor cells com-    Plasma erythropoietin levels can be valuable in
                    mitted to erythropoiesis. The transcription factors   clinical diagnosis. They are high if a tumour -

                    GATA - 1 and FOG - 1 are activated by erythropoie-    secreting erythropoietin is causing polycythaemia
                    tin receptor stimulation and are important in   but low in severe renal disease or polycythaemia vera
                    enhancing expression of erythroid - specifi c  genes   (Fig.  2.5 ).
                    (e.g. haem biosynthetic and red cell membrane
                    proteins) and also enhancing expression of anti -
                                                                  Indications for  e rythropoietin  t herapy
                      apoptotic genes and of the transferrin receptor
                    (CD71). Late BFU  E   and CFU  E  , which have eryth-   Recombinant erythropoietin is of great value in
                    ropoietin receptors, are stimulated to proliferate,   treating anaemia resulting from renal disease or

                    differentiate and produce haemoglobin. Th e  pro-  from various other causes. It is given subcutaneously
                    portion of erythroid cells in the marrow increases   either 3 times weekly or once every 1 – 2 weeks or
                    and, in the chronic state, there is anatomical   every 4 weeks depending on the indication and on
                    expansion of erythropoiesis into fatty marrow and   the preparation used (erythropoietin alpha or beta,
                    sometimes into extramedullary sites. In infants, the   darbepoetin alpha, a heavily glycosylated longer
                    marrow cavity may expand into cortical bone result-  acting form, or Micera the longest acting prepara-
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