Page 36 - Essential Haematology
P. 36

22  /  Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia

                        The  r ed  c ell                      with haemoglobin and, as mentioned above, is
                                                              important in the regulation of haemoglobin  s
                      In order to carry haemoglobin into close contact   oxygen affi  nity.
                    with the tissues and for successful gaseous exchange,

                    the red cell, 8  μ m in diameter, must be able: to pass

                    repeatedly through the microcirculation whose       Hexose  m onophosphate ( p entose

                    minimum diameter is 3.5  μ m, to maintain haemo-    p hosphate)  p athway

                    globin in a reduced (ferrous) state and to maintain
                    osmotic equilibrium despite the high concentration     Approximately 10% of glycolysis occurs by this oxi-
                    of protein (haemoglobin) in the cell. Its total   dative pathway in which glucose - 6 - phosphate is
                    journey throughout its 120 - day lifespan has been   converted to 6 - phosphogluconate and so to ribulose -
                    estimated to be 480   km (300   miles). To fulfi l these    5 - phosphate (Fig.  2.11 ). NADPH is generated and

                    functions, the cell is a flexible biconcave disc with   is linked with glutathione which maintains sulphy-
                    an ability to generate energy as adenosine triphos-  dril (SH) groups intact in the cell including those
                    phate (ATP) by the anaerobic glycolytic (Embden –  in haemoglobin and the red cell membrane.
                      Meyerhof) pathway (Fig.  2.10 ) and to generate   NADPH is also used by another methaemoglobin
                    reducing power as NADH by this pathway and as   reductase to maintain haemoglobin iron in the
                                                                               2 +
                    reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-  functionally active Fe    state. In one of the most
                    phate (NADPH) by the hexose monophosphate   common inherited abnormalities of red cells,
                    shunt (Fig.  2.11 ).                      glucose - 6 - phosphate  dehydrogenase  (G6PD)  defi -
                                                              ciency, the red cells are extremely susceptible to
                                                              oxidant stress (see  p. 79   ).
                        Red  c ell  m etabolism
                        Embden – Meyerhof  p athway               Red  c ell  m embrane

                     In this series of biochemical reactions, glucose    The red cell membrane comprises a lipid bilayer,
                    that enters the red cell from plasma by facilitated   integral membrane proteins and a membrane
                    transfer is metabolized to lactate (Fig.  2.10 a). For   skeleton (Fig.  2.12 ). Approximately 50% of the
                    each molecule of glucose used, two molecules   membrane is protein, 20% phospholipids, 20%
                    of ATP and thus two high - energy phosphate   cholesterol molecules and up to 10% is carbohy-
                    bonds are generated. Th is ATP provides energy   drate. Carbohydrates occur only on the external
                    for maintenance of red cell volume, shape and fl ex-  surface while proteins are either peripheral or inte-
                    ibility. The red cell has an osmotic pressure fi ve   gral, penetrating the lipid bilayer. Several red cell

                    times that of plasma and an inherent weakness of   proteins have been numbered according to their
                    the membrane results in continual Na   and K     mobility on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
                    movement. A membrane ATPase sodium pump is   (PAGE), e.g. band 3, proteins 4.1, 4.2 (Fig.  2.12 ).

                    needed, and this uses one molecule of ATP to move    The membrane skeleton is formed by structural
                    three sodium ions out and two potassium ions into   proteins that include  α  and  β  spectrin, ankyrin,

                    the cell.                                 protein 4.1 and actin. These proteins form a hori-

                       The Embden – Meyerhof pathway also generates   zontal lattice on the internal side of the red cell
                    NADH which is needed by the enzyme methaemo-  membrane and are important in maintaining the
                    globin reductase to reduce functionally dead meth-  biconcave shape. Spectrin is the most abundant and
                    aemoglobin (oxidized haemoglobin) containing   consists of two chains,  α  and  β , wound around each
                    ferric iron (produced by oxidation of approximately   other to form heterodimers which then self - associate

                    3% of haemoglobin each day) to functionally active,   head - to - head to form tetramers. These tetramers are

                    reduced haemoglobin. The  Luebering – Rapoport   linked at the tail end to actin and are attached to
                    shunt, or side arm, of this pathway (Fig.  2.10 b)   protein band 4.1. At the head end, the  β  spectrin
                    generates  2,3 - DPG  which  forms  a  1   :   1  complex   chains attach to ankyrin which connects to band 3,
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