Page 34 - Essential Haematology
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20  /  Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia

                    chains in the fetus and adult is discussed in more   CH 2

                    detail in Chapter  7   . The major switch from fetal to   CH      CH 3
                    adult haemoglobin occurs 3 – 6 months after birth          H
                    (Table  2.2 ; see Fig.  7.1   b).                          α
                                                                 H 3 C                      CH  CH 2
                        Haem synthesis occurs largely in the mitochon-
                    dria by a series of biochemical reactions commenc-      N     N
                    ing with the condensation of glycine and succinyl
                                                                     HCδ       Fe       βCH
                    coenzyme A under the action of the key rate limit-
                                                                            N     N
                    ing enzyme  δ  - aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) synthase
                    (Fig.  2.6 ). Pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B  6  ) is a   H C           CH 3
                    coenzyme for this reaction which is stimulated by          γ
                    erythropoietin. Ultimately, protoporphyrin com-            H
                                                                        CH 2          CH 2
                                              2 +
                    bines with iron in the ferrous (Fe   ) state to form        Globin
                    haem (Fig.  2.7 ), each molecule of which combines   CH 2         CH 2
                    with a globin chain made on the polyribosomes       COOH          COOH
                    (Fig.  2.6 ). A tetramer of four globin chains each
                    with its own haem group in a   pocket ’  is then             Figure 2.7   The structure of haem.

                    formed to make up a haemoglobin molecule
                    (Fig.  2.8 ).


                    Transferrin            Amino acids

                                       Fe              α and β chains
                                                         α β  globin
                                                          2 2
                         Glycine + B6  Fe
                        + Succinyl CoA
                                               Haem (x4)
                            δALA          porphyrin

                                                       Haemoglobin              Figure 2.6   Haemoglobin synthesis in the
                                                                      developing red cell. The mitochondria are
                           Porphobilinogen  Coproporphyrinogen        the main sites of protoporphyrin synthesis,
                                                                      iron (Fe) is supplied from circulating
                                                                      transferrin; globin chains are synthesized
                                    Uroporphyrinogen                  on ribosomes.  δ - ALA,  δ - aminolaevulinic

                                                                      acid; CoA, coenzyme A.
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