Page 31 - Essential Haematology
P. 31

Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia  /  17







                                                                                            Red cells

                                Figure 2.2   The amplifi cation and maturation sequence in the development of mature red cells from

                      the pronormoblast.

                                                                pronormoblast usually gives rise to 16 mature red
                                                                cells (Fig.  2.2 ). Nucleated red cells (normoblasts)
                                   Normoblast  Reticulocyte  Mature  are not present in normal human peripheral blood.

                                                                They appear in the blood if erythropoiesis is occur-
                                                                ring outside the marrow (extramedullary erythro-
                                                                poiesis) and also with some marrow diseases.

                       Nuclear DNA    Yes       No        No
                                                                 Erythropoiesis is regulated by the hormone eryth-
                       RNA in cytoplasm  Yes    Yes       No
                                                                ropoietin. Erythropoietin is a heavily glycosylated
                                                                polypeptide of 165 amino acids with a molecular
                       In marrow      Yes       Yes       Yes
                                                                weight of 34   kDa. Normally, 90% of the hormone
                       In blood       No        Yes       Yes   is produced in the peritubular interstitial cells of the
                                                                kidney and 10% in the liver and elsewhere. Th ere
                                                                are no preformed stores and the stimulus to eryth-
                                Figure 2.3   Comparison of the DNA and RNA content,

                      and marrow and peripheral blood distribution, of the   ropoietin production is the oxygen (O  2 ) tension in
                      erythroblast (normoblast), reticulocyte and mature red   the tissues of the kidney (Fig.  2.4 ). Hypoxia induces
                      blood cell (RBC).                         hypoxia - inducible  factors  (HIF - 2 α  and  β )  which
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