Page 33 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia  /  19

                           10 5                                       Table 2.1   Clinical uses of erythropoietin.
                                                    Anaemias            Anaemia of chronic renal disease
                                                 Renal failure:
                                                    Nephric           Myelodysplastic syndrome
                                                                      Anaemia associated with malignancy and
                           10 4                                   chemotherapy
                                                                      Anaemia of chronic diseases, e.g. rheumatoid
                          EPO (mIU/mL)  10 3                          Perioperative uses
                                                                      Anaemia of prematurity

                                                                      Table 2.2   Normal haemoglobins in adult

                           10 2
                                                                                   Hb A       Hb F       Hb A  2
                                                                      Structure           α  2 2          α  2 2          α  2 2



                                                                      Normal (%)     96 – 98     0.5 – 0.8     1.5 – 3.2
                           10 1
                                4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18
                                       Haemoglobin (g/dL)
                                                                folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B  6  , thiamine

                                                                and riboflavin) and hormones such as androgens
                                Figure 2.5   The relation between erythropoietin (EPO)

                                                                and thyroxine. Deficiency in any of these may be

                      in plasma and haemoglobin concentration. Anaemias
                                                                associated with anaemia.
                      exclude conditions shown to be associated with
                      impaired production of EPO.  (From M. Pippard  et al .
                      (1992)  B J Haematol   82 : 445, with permission.)           Haemoglobin
                                                                    Haemoglobin  s ynthesis

                      tion). The main indication is end - stage renal disease    The main function of red cells is to carry O  2   to the

                      (with or without dialysis). Other uses are listed in   tissues and to return carbon dioxide (CO  2 ) from the
                      Table  2.1 . In these conditions, higher doses are   tissues to the lungs. In order to achieve this gaseous

                      often needed. The haemoglobin level and quality of   exchange they contain the specialized protein hae-
                      life may be improved (see Chapter  12   ). A low serum   moglobin. Each red cell contains approximately
                      erythropoietin level prior to treatment is valuable in   640 million haemoglobin molecules. Each molecule
                      predicting an effective response. Oral or parenteral   of normal adult haemoglobin A (Hb A) (the domi-

                      iron is often needed to maximize the response to   nant haemoglobin in blood after the age of 3 – 6
                      erythropoietin therapy. Side - effects include a rise in   months) consists of four polypeptide chains,  α   2   β   2  ,

                      blood pressure, thrombosis and local injection site   each with its own haem group. Th e  molecular

                      reactions. It has been associated with progression of   weight of Hb A is 68  000. Normal adult blood also
                      some tumours.                             contains small quantities of two other haemoglob-

                          The marrow requires many other precursors for   ins: Hb F and Hb A  2  . These also contain  α  chains,

                      effective erythropoiesis. These include metals such   but with  γ  and  δ  chains, respectively, instead of  β

                      as iron or cobalt, vitamins (especially vitamin B  12  ,   (Table   2.2 ).  The synthesis of the various globin
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