Page 38 - Essential Haematology
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24  /  Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia

                    the transmembrane protein that acts as an anion   (see Chapter  6 ) while alterations in lipid
                    channel ( ‘ vertical connections ’ ) (Fig.  2.12 ). Protein   composition because of congenital or acquired
                    4.2 enhances this interaction.            abnormalities in plasma cholesterol or phospholipid
                       Defects of the proteins may explain some of the   may be associated with other membrane abnormali-
                    abnormalities of shape of the red cell membrane   ties (e.g. in liver disease).
                    (e.g. hereditary spherocytosis and elliptocytosis)

                                     H 2O 2  H 2O              This is defined as a reduction in the haemoglobin
                                              Glutathione     concentration of the blood below normal for age
                     Embden-Meyerhof               peroxidase
                     glycolytic pathway                       and sex (Table  2.3 ). Although normal values can
                                     GSH     GSSG
                        Glucose                               vary between laboratories, typical values would be
                                              Glutathione     less than 13.5  g/dL in adult males and less than  11.5

                                    NADP    NADPH             g/dL in adult females (Fig.  2.13 ). From the age of
                                                              2 years to puberty, less than 11.0  g/dL indicates

                       Glucose-6-P                   6-PG
                                    Glucose-6-phosphate       anaemia. As newborn infants have a high haemo-
                                      dehydrogenase           globin level, 14.0   g/dL is taken as the lower limit at
                                                              birth (Fig.  2.13 ). Reduction of haemoglobin is
                       Fructose-6-P               Ribulose-5-P  usually accompanied by a fall in red cell count and
                                                              packed cell volume (PCV) but these may be normal
                                                              in some patients with subnormal haemoglobin
                                                              levels (and therefore by defi nition  anaemic).
                                                              Alterations in total circulating plasma volume as
                                                              well as of total circulating haemoglobin mass deter-

                              Figure 2.11   The hexose monophosphate shunt

                    pathway. GSH, GSSG, glutathione; NADP, NADPH,   mine the haemoglobin concentration. Reduction in
                    nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate;   plasma volume (as in dehydration) may mask
                    P, phosphate; PG, phosphoglycerate.       anaemia or even cause (apparent, pseudo) poly-

                                             Band 3                           Glycophorin B
                                             protein               Glycophorin C
                                                            Glycophorin A
                               Vertical interaction  Cholesterol  4.2  4.1    Actin

                                                       α Spectrin            β Spectrin
                                    Horizontal interaction

                              Figure 2.12   The structure of the red cell membrane. Some of the penetrating and integral proteins carry
                    carbohydrate antigens; other antigens are attached directly to the lipid layer.
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