Page 43 - Essential Haematology
P. 43

Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia  /  29

                               Red cell      Causes                       Red cell         Causes
                               abnormality                                abnormality
                               Normal                                     Microspherocyte  Hereditary spherocytosis,
                                                                                       autoimmune haemolytic

                               Macrocyte  Liver disease, alcoholism.     Fragments     DIC, microangiopathy, HUS,
                                          Oval in megaloblastic                        TTP, burns, cardiac valves

                               Target cell  Iron deficiency, liver disease,  Elliptocyte  Hereditary elliptocytosis

                               Stomatocyte  Liver disease, alcoholism    Tear drop     Myelofibrosis,
                                                                         poikilocyte   extramedullary

                               Pencil cell  Iron deficiency              Basket cell   Oxidant damage–
                                                                                       e.g. G6PD deficiency,
                                                                                       unstable haemoglobin
                               Echinocyte  Liver disease,                Sickle cell   Sickle cell anaemia
                                          storage artefact

                               Acanthocyte  Liver disease, abetalipo-    Microcyte     Iron deficiency,
                                          proteinaemia, renal failure                  haemoglobinopathy

                                Figure 2.16   Some of the more frequent variations in size (anisocytosis) and shape (poikilocytosis) that may be
                      found in different anaemias. DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy; G6PD, glucose - 6 - phosphate
                      dehydrogenase; HUS, haemolytic uraemic syndrome; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

                      architecture, cellularity and presence of fi brosis or   ineffective erythropoiesis is marked. Th e  reticulo-
                      abnormal infiltrates can be reliably determined.     cyte count is low in relation to the degree of anaemia

                                                                and to the proportion of erythroblasts in the
                          Ineffective  e rythropoiesis
                        Erythropoiesis is not entirely effi  cient  because       Assessment of  e rythropoiesis
                      approximately 10 – 15% of developing erythroblasts
                      die within the marrow without producing mature     Total erythropoiesis and the amount of erythropoi-

                      cells. This is termed ineffective erythropoiesis and it   esis that is effective in producing circulating red

                      is substantially increased in a number of chronic   cells can be assessed by examining the bone marrow,
                      anaemias (Fig.  2.19 ). The serum unconjugated   haemoglobin level and reticulocyte count.

                      bilirubin (derived from breaking down haemo-   Total erythropoiesis is assessed from the marrow
                      globin) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, derived   cellularity and the myeloid   :   erythroid ratio (i.e. the
                      from breaking down cells) are usually raised when   proportion of granulocyte precursors to red cell
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