Page 45 - Essential Haematology
P. 45

Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia  /  31

                            Table 2.6   Comparison of bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy.

                                            Aspiration                           Trephine
                            Site          Posterior iliac crest or sternum (tibia in       Posterior iliac crest
                            Stains        Romanowsky; Perls ’  reaction (for iron)     Haematoxylin and eosin; reticulin
                                                                             (silver stain)
                            Result available     1 – 2 hours                   1 – 7 days (according to
                                                                             decalcifi cation method)
                            Main indications     Investigation of anaemia, pancytopenia,       Indications for additional trephine:
                                        suspected leukaemia or myeloma,      suspicion of leukaemia,
                                        neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, etc.    myeloproliferative disorders,
                                                                             myelodysplasia, aplastic anaemia,
                                                                             malignant lymphoma, myeloma
                                                                             amyloid, secondary carcinoma,
                                                                             cases of splenomegaly or pyrexia
                                                                             of undetermined cause. Any case
                                                                             where aspiration gives a  ‘ dry ’  tap
                            Special tests     Cytogenetics, FISH (see  p. 160  ),       Immunohistological staining

                                        microbiological culture, biochemical
                                        analysis, fl ow cytometry, cytochemical
                                        markers, DNA or RNA analysis for gene

                                        abnormalities, microarrays (see  p. 160  ),
                                        progenitor cell culture

                                                       Marrow       Peripheral blood
                                                          4              120

                                      Erythroid hypoplasia,
                                      e.g. aplastic anaemia

                                      e.g. haemolytic

                                      e.g. megaloblastic

                                Figure 2.19   The relative proportions of marrow erythroblastic activity, circulating red cell mass and red cell

                      lifespan in normal subjects and in three types of anaemia.
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