Page 50 - Essential Haematology
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36  /  Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias

                         Table 3.1   The distribution of body iron.

                           Amount of iron in average adult       Male (g)       Female (g)       Percentage of total
                         Haemoglobin                         2.4          1.7         65
                         Ferritin and haemosiderin           1.0 (0.3 – 1.5)     0.3 (0 – 1.0)     30
                         Myoglobin                           0.15         0.12         3.5
                         Haem enzymes (e.g. cytochromes, catalase,       0.02     0.015     0.5
                     peroxidases, fl avoproteins)

                         Transferrin - bound iron            0.004        0.003        0.1

                                                     Iron regulatory protein
                                        Low iron                          High iron

                                              Translation blocked
                                   5'                   ALA-S                   AAAA 3'
                                                     Coding region

                                                              mRNA stabilized

                                   5'                                           AAAA 3'
                                               DMT-I               IREs(5)
                                            Coding region

                              Figure 3.3   Regulation of transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1), divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT - 1) and ferritin expres-

                    sion by iron regulatory protein (IRP) sensing of intracellular iron levels. IRPs are able to bind to stem - loop
                    structures called iron response elements (IREs). IRP binding to the IRE within the 3   untranslated region of TfR1
                    and DMT - 1 leads to stabilization of the mRNA and increased protein synthesis, whereas IRP binding to the IRE

                    within the 5   untranslated region of ferritin and  δ - aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALA - S) mRNA reduces translation.
                    IRPs can exist in two states: at times of high iron levels the IRP binds iron and exhibits a reduced affi nity for the
                    IREs whereas when iron levels are low the binding of IRPs to IREs is increased. In this way synthesis of TfR,
                    ALA - S, DMT - 1 and ferritin is coordinated to physiological requirements. IRP, iron regulatory protein.
                    (DMT - 1) are linked to iron status so that iron over-  bind to the IREs whereas iron overload reduces the
                    load causes a rise in tissue ferritin and a fall in TfR1  binding. The site of IRP binding to IREs, whether


                    and DMT - 1 whereas in iron deficiency ferritin and  upstream (5  ) or downstream (3  ) from the coding
                    ALA - S are low and TfR1 increased. Th is  linkage  gene, determines whether the amount of mRNA
                    arises through the binding of an iron regulatory  and so protein produced is increased or decreased
                    protein (IRP) to iron response elements (IREs) on  (Fig.  3.3 ). Upstream binding reduces translation
                    the ferritin, TfR1, ALA - S and DMT - 1 mRNA mole-  whereas downstream binding stabilizes the mRNA,
                    cules. Iron defi ciency increases the ability of IRP to  increasing translation and so protein synthesis.
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