Page 54 - Essential Haematology
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40  /  Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias

                         Table 3.3   Estimated daily iron requirements. Units are mg/day.
                                               Urine, sweat, faeces       Menses       Pregnancy       Growth       Total
                         Adult male          0.5 – 1                                            0.5 – 1
                         Postmenopausal female     0.5 – 1                                      0.5 – 1
                         Menstruating female  *         0.5 – 1     0.5 – 1                       1 – 2
                         Pregnant female  *         0.5 – 1                1 – 2                1.5 – 3
                         Children (average)     0.5                                    0.6      1.1

                         Female (age 12 – 15) *         0.5 – 1     0.5 – 1            0.6      1.6 – 2.6

                             *   These groups are more likely to develop iron defi ciency.

                                                   Normal       Latent iron     Iron
                                                                deficiency    deficiency

                                  Red cell iron
                                  film and                                   Hypochromic,
                                                  Normal         Normal      MCV↓ MCH↓
                                  Iron stores
                                  (bone marrow
                                  iron)             ++             0             0

                              Figure 3.6   The development of iron defi ciency anaemia. Reticuloendothelial (macrophage) stores are lost

                    completely before anaemia develops. MCH, mean corpuscular haemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume.

                    unusual dietary cravings (pica). The cause of the  and, despite the increased absorption of food iron

                    epithelial cell changes is not clear but may be related  at an early stage of iron deficiency, negative iron

                    to reduction of iron in iron - containing enzymes. In  balance is usual in chronic blood loss.

                    children, iron deficiency is particularly signifi cant as    Increased demands during infancy, adolescence,
                    it can cause irritability, poor cognitive function and  pregnancy, lactation and in menstruating women
                    a decline in psychomotor development.         account for the high risk of iron defi ciency anaemia
                                                              in these particular clinical groups. Newborn infants
                                                              have a store of iron derived from delayed clamping
                        Causes of  i ron  d efi ciency
                                                              of the cord and the breakdown of excess red cells.
                      In developed countries, chronic blood loss, espe-  From 3 to 6 months there is a tendency for negative
                    cially uterine or from the gastrointestinal tract, is  iron balance because of growth. From 6 months,
                    the dominant cause (Table  3.4 ) and dietary defi -  supplemented formula milk and mixed feeding,

                    ciency is rarely a cause on its own. Half a litre of  particularly with iron - fortified foods, prevents iron
                    whole blood contains approximately 250   mg iron  defi ciency.
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