Page 53 - Essential Haematology
P. 53

Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias  /  39

                                                   Fe 3+      Fe 2+             Haem


                                         Hepcidin                               Ferrioxidase

                                                                    Fe 3+

                                                                                     2 +
                                                                   3 +

                                Figure 3.5   The regulation of iron absorption. Dietary ferric (Fe   ) iron is reduced to Fe    and its entry to the
                      enterocyte is through the divalent cation binder DMT - 1. Its export into portal plasma is controlled by ferroportin.
                      It is oxidized before binding to transferrin in plasma. Haem is absorbed after binding to its receptor protein.

                      amount of iron absorbed is regulated according to  with age and sex; it is highest in pregnancy, adoles-
                      the body  s needs by changing the levels of DMT - 1  cent and menstruating females (Table  3.3 ).
                      and ferroportin. For DMT - 1 this occurs by the  Th erefore these groups are particularly likely to
                      same mechanism (IRP/IRE binding) by which  develop iron deficiency if there is additional iron

                      transferrin receptor is increased in iron defi ciency  loss or prolonged reduced intake.
                      (Fig.  3.3 ). Hepcidin is a major regulator by aff ect-
                      ing ferroportin concentration. Low hepcidin levels       Iron  d efi ciency
                      in iron deficiency allow increased ferroportin levels

                      and so more iron to enter portal plasma.           Clinical  f eatures
                           Ferrireductase present at the apical surface con-
                                        3 +
                                              2 +
                      verts iron from the Fe    to Fe    state and another   When iron defi ciency is developing, the reticuloen-
                      enzyme, hephaestin (ferrioxidase) (which contains  dothelial stores (haemosiderin and ferritin) become
                                             3 +
                                       2 +
                      copper), converts Fe    to Fe    at the basal surface  completely depleted before anaemia occurs (Fig.
                      prior to binding to transferrin.            3.6 ). As the condition develops the patient may
                                                                show the general symptoms and signs of anaemia
                                                                (see  p. 25 ) and also a painless glossitis, angular sto-
                          Iron  r equirements
                                                                matitis, brittle, ridged or spoon nails (koilonychia),

                       The amount of iron required each day to compen-  dysphagia as a result of pharyngeal webs (Paterson –
                      sate for losses from the body and for growth varies   Kelly or Plummer – Vinson syndrome) (Fig.  3.7 ) and
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