Page 51 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias  /  37

                           When plasma iron is raised and transferrin is  inflammation interleukin 6 (IL - 6) and other
                      saturated the amount of iron transferred to paren-  cytokines increase hepcidin synthesis (Fig.  3.4 ).
                      chymal cells (e.g. those of the liver, endocrine
                      organs, pancreas and heart) is increased and this is
                                                                    Dietary  i ron
                      the basis of the pathological changes associated with

                      iron loading conditions. There may also be free iron   Iron is present in food as ferric hydroxides, ferric –
                      in plasma which is toxic to diff erent organs.      protein and haem – protein complexes. Both the iron
                                                                content and the proportion of iron absorbed diff er
                                                                from food to food; in general, meat  –  in particular
                                                                liver  –  is a better source than vegetables, eggs or

                        Hepcidin is a 25 - amino acid polypeptide produced  dairy foods. The average  Western diet contains
                      by liver cells. It is the major hormonal regulator  10 – 15  mg iron daily from which only 5 – 10% is

                      of iron homeostasis (Fig.  3.4 ). It inhibits iron  normally absorbed. The proportion can be increased

                      release from macrophages and intestinal epithelial  to 20 – 30% in iron deficiency or pregnancy (Table
                      cells by its interaction with the transmembrane iron   3.2 ) but even in these situations most dietary iron
                      exporter ferroportin, accelerating degradation of  remains unabsorbed.
                      ferroportin mRNA. Raised hepcidin levels therefore
                      reduce iron absorption and iron release from
                                                                    Iron  a bsorption
                                                                 Organic dietary iron is partly absorbed as haem
                                                                and partly broken down in the gut to inorganic
                        Control of hepcidin expression
                        Membrane bound hemojuvelin (HJV) is a co -
                        receptor with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)       Table 3.2   Iron absorption.

                      which stimulates hepcidin expression. A complex

                      between HFE  and transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2 )         Factors favouring         Factors reducing

                      promotes HJV binding to BMP. The amount of   absorption        absorption

                      HFE – TfR2 complex is determined by the degree of
                                                                      Haem iron        Inorganic iron
                      iron saturation of transferrin as follows. Diferric     2 +                3 +
                      transferrin competes with  TfR1 for binding to       Ferrous form (Fe   )     Ferric form (Fe   )
                      HFE. The more diferric transferrin, the less TfR1 is       Acids (HCl, vitamin C)     Alkalis  –  antacids,

                      bound to HFE and more HFE is available to bind                 pancreatic secretions
                      to TfR2 with consequently increased hepcidin syn-
                                                                      Solubilizing agents       Precipitating agents
                      thesis. Low concentrations of diferric transferrin, as
                                                                  (e.g. sugars, amino     –  phytates,
                      in iron deficiency, allow HFE binding to  TfR1,   acids)       phosphates, tea

                      reducing the amount of HFE able to bind TfR2 and
                                                                      Reduced serum       Increased serum
                      thus reducing hepcidin secretion.
                                                                  hepcidin, e.g. iron   hepcidin, e.g. iron
                           Matriptase 2 digests membrane - bound HJV.
                                                                  defi ciency         excess
                      In iron deficiency, increased matriptase activity

                      therefore results in decreased hepcidin synthesis.       Ineffective       Decreased
                      Erythroblasts secrete two proteins, GDF 15 and   erythropoiesis     erythropoiesis
                      TWSG1, which suppress hepcidin secretion. In       Pregnancy     Infl ammation
                      conditions with increased numbers of early eryth-
                      roblasts in the marrow (e.g. conditions of ineff ective
                      erythropoiesis such as thalassaemia major), iron
                      absorption is increased because of suppression of       Increased expression       Decreased expression
                      hepcidin secretion by these two proteins. Hypoxia   of DMT - 1 in duodenal   of DMT - 1 in duodenal
                                                                  enterocytes        enterocytes
                      also suppresses hepcidin synthesis whereas in
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