Page 57 - Essential Haematology
P. 57

Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias  /  43

                      (a)                                        (b)

                                Figure 3.10   Bone marrow iron assessed by Perls ’  stain.  (a)  Normal iron stores indicated by blue staining in the

                      macrophages. Inset: normal siderotic granule in erythroblast.  (b)  Absence of blue staining (absence of haemosi-
                      derin) in iron defi ciency. Inset: absence of siderotic granules in erythroblasts.


                                                           Iron deficiency
                                                           Anaemia of
                                                           chronic disorders

                                                           Iron overload

                          0       30       60      90                    0  100  200  300  1000     10 000
                                     (μmol/L)                                     Serum ferritin (μg/L)
                              Serum iron       UIBC

                                Figure 3.11   The serum iron, unsaturated serum iron - binding capacity (UIBC) and serum ferritin in normal
                      subjects and in those with iron defi ciency, anaemia of chronic disorders and iron overload. The total iron - binding
                      capacity (TIBC) is made up of the serum iron and the UIBC. In some laboratories, the transferrin content of
                      serum is measured directly by immunodiffusion, rather than by its ability to bind iron, and is expressed in g/L.

                      Normal serum contains 2 – 4   g/L transferrin (1   g/L transferrin    =   20   μ mol/L binding capacity). Normal ranges for

                      serum iron are 10 – 30   μ mol/L; for TIBC, 40 – 75   μ mol/L; for serum ferritin, male, 40 – 340   μ g/L; female, 14 – 150   μ g/L.
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