Page 62 - Essential Haematology
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48  /  Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias

                                                              important as the source of the haemorrhage leading
                         Table 3.8   Classifi cation of sideroblastic

                     anaemia.                                 to iron deficiency or the presence of a chronic

                                                              disease may be revealed. The country of origin and
                                                              the family history may suggest a possible diagnosis
                         X chromosome linked ALA - S mutation or rarely   of thalassaemia or other genetic defect of haemo-
                      with spinocerebellar degeneration and ataxia    globin. Physical examination may also be helpful in
                         Usually occurs in males, transmitted by females;   determining a site of haemorrhage, features of a

                      also occurs rarely in females           chronic inflammatory or malignant disease, koilo-
                         Other rare types (see text)          nychia or, in some haemoglobinopathies, an
                                                              enlarged spleen or bony deformities.
                                                                  In thalassaemia trait the red cells tend to be
                                                              small, often with an MCV of 70  fL or less, even

                         Myelodysplasia (refractory anaemia with ring   when anaemia is mild or absent; the red cell count
                      sideroblasts) (see  p. 215 )                               12

                                                              is usually over 5.5  ×    10   /L. Conversely, in iron
                           N.B.  Ring sideroblast formation ( < 15% of
                                                              deficiency anaemia the indices fall progressively

                      erythroblasts) may also occur in the bone
                                                              with the degree of anaemia and when anaemia is
                      marrow in:
                                                              mild the indices are normal or only just reduced
                         other malignant diseases of the marrow (e.g.
                                                              below normal (e.g. MCV 75 – 80   fL). In the anaemia
                      other types of myelodysplasia, myelofi brosis,
                      myeloid leukaemia, myeloma)             of chronic disorders the indices are also not mark-
                         drugs, e.g. antituberculous (isoniazid,   edly low, an MCV in the range 75 – 82   fL being
                      cycloserine), alcohol, lead             usual.
                         other benign conditions (e.g. haemolytic    It is usual to perform a serum iron and TIBC
                      anaemia, megaloblastic anaemia,         measurement, or alternatively serum ferritin esti-
                      malabsorption, rheumatoid arthritis)     mation, to confirm a diagnosis of iron defi ciency.

                                                              Haemoglobin high - performance liquid chroma-

                           ALA - S,  δ - aminolevulinic acid synthase.       tography (HPLC  ) or electrophoresis with an esti-
                                                              mation of Hb A  2   and Hb F is carried out in all
                                                              patients suspected of thalassaemia or other genetic
                                                              defect of haemoglobin, because of the family
                        Lead  p oisoning
                                                              history, country of origin, red cell indices and
                     Lead inhibits both haem and globin synthesis at a   blood film. Iron deficiency or the anaemia of

                    number of points. In addition it interferes with the   chronic disorders may also occur in these subjects.
                    breakdown of RNA by inhibiting the enzyme pyri-    β  - Thalassaemia trait is characterized by a raised

                    midine 5   nucleotidase, causing accumulation of   Hb A  2   above 3.5%, but in  α  - thalassaemia  trait
                    denatured RNA in red cells, the RNA giving an   there is no abnormality on simple haemoglobin
                    appearance called basophilic stippling on the ordi-  studies so the diagnosis is usually made by exclu-
                    nary (Romanowsky) stain (see Fig.  2.17   ). Th e   sion of all other causes of hypochromic red cells
                    anaemia may be hypochromic or predominantly   and by the presence of a red cell count
                    haemolytic, and the bone marrow may show ring     > 5.5    ×    10   /L. DNA studies can be used to
                    sideroblasts. Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin is   confirm the diagnosis. In some  α  - thalassaemia

                    raised.                                   patients, however, occasional red cells show depos-
                                                              its of Hb H ( β   4  ) in reticulocyte preparations
                                                              (Chapter  7   ).
                        Differential  d iagnosis of  h ypochromic
                      a naemia                                   Bone marrow examination is essential if a
                                                              diagnosis of sideroblastic anaemia is suspected but
                      Table  3.7  lists the laboratory investigations that may   is not usually needed in diagnosis of the other
                    be necessary. The clinical history is particularly   hypochromic anaemias.
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