Page 67 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 4  Iron overload  /  53

                          The consequent iron overload damages paren-  with cardiomyopathy in children, adolescents or

                      chymal cells and patients may present in adult life  young adults. However, ferroportin mutations
                      with hepatic disease, endocrine disturbances such as  usually cause reticuloendothelial but not parenchy-
                      diabetes mellitus or impotence, melanin skin pig-  mal cell iron overload but may rarely cause paren-
                      mentation (Fig.  4.2 ) and arthropathy (resulting  chymal overload, depending on the site of the
                      from pyrophosphate deposition). In some severe  mutation in ferroportin gene.
                      cases there is cardiac failure or arrhythmia. Diagnosis     Mutations of the ferritin light chain gene cause
                      is suspected by increased serum iron, increased  a raised monoclonal serum ferritin with cataracts
                      serum transferrin saturation and ferritin. It is con-  resulting from ferritin deposition in the eye but no
                      firmed by testing for the  HFE  mutation. Liver  tissue iron overload. Gaucher  s disease, an auto-

                      biopsy may quantify the degree of iron overload and  somal recessive condition, leads to iron storage in
                      assess liver damage. MRI can also be used to measure  Gaucher cells (lipid - engorged enlarged tissue mac-
                      liver and cardiac iron.                   rophages); serum ferritin levels are increased in
                           Treatment is with regular venesection, initially  Gaucher ’ s disease.
                      at 1 – 2 week intervals, each unit of blood lost remov-
                      ing  200 – 250   mg  iron.  There are diff erences  of       African  i ron  o verload

                      opinion whether patients without evidence of organ

                      dysfunction from iron overload should be treated    This occurs in sub - Saharan African through a com-
                      but most do venesect if the serum ferritin is raised,   bination of increased iron absorption because of a
                      whatever the organ status. Venesection is monitored   genetic defect, possibly in the ferroportin gene, and
                      by serum iron, total iron - binding capacity (TIBC),   a dietary increased iron overload caused by con-
                      serum ferritin and by tests of organ function. Th e   sumption of beverages of high iron content because
                      aim is to restore serum ferritin to normal, although   of the use of iron cooking pots. Both reticuloen-
                      some venesect until the serum ferritin is low   dothelial and parenchymal iron are increased.
                      (20 – 50    μ g/L).
                           Rarer forms of genetic haemochromatosis are   Transfusional  i ron  o verload

                      caused by mutations in the genes for hemojuvelin,

                                                                 This develops in patients with refractory anaemias,
                      transferrin receptor 2 and hepcidin (Table  4.2 ). All
                                                                most frequently thalassaemia major, who are sus-
                      three are associated with low levels of hepcidin in
                                                                tained by blood transfusions. Iron overload is inevi-

                      serum. They often present as severe iron overload
                                                                table unless iron chelation therapy is given (Table
                                                                  4.4 ). Each 450  mL of transfused blood contains

                                                                      Table 4.4   Causes of refractory anaemia that
                                                                  may lead to transfusional iron overload.
                                                                        Congenital            Acquired
                                                                        β - Thalassaemia major        Myelodysplasia

                                                                        β - Thalassaemia/Hb E       Red cell aplasia

                                                                      Sickle cell anaemia (some       Aplastic anaemia
                                                                      Red cell aplasia        Primary
                                                                  (Diamond – Blackfan)     myelofi brosis

                                Figure 4.2   Melanin skin pigmentation. The right hand
                      is of a teenager with iron overload caused by       Sideroblastic anaemia
                      thalassaemia major. The left hand is of her mother
                                                                      Dyserythropoietic anaemia
                      who has normal iron status.
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