Page 70 - Essential Haematology
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56  /  Chapter 4  Iron overload

                       18                                         It is usual to attempt to keep the ferritin level

                              Deferiprone                     between 1000 and 1500  μ g/L, when the body iron
                              Deferoxamine                    stores are approximately 5 – 10 times normal.
                                                              However, the serum ferritin correlates poorly with
                                                              cardiac iron and is raised in relation to iron status
                      Myocardial T 2 * (ms)  15               and should therefore be interpreted in conjunction
                                                              in viral hepatitis and other infl ammatory disorders
                                                              with other tests such as  T2 *  MRI assessment of
                                                              cardiac iron, liver biopsy iron (Fig.  4.5 ) and urine

                                                              deferiprone. The serum ferritin is most useful in
                                                  p = 0.023   excretion of iron in response to deferoxamine or
                                                              monitoring changes in iron stores because it gives
                                       p = 0.040
                                                              some indication of whether the stores are falling,

                                                              steady or rising. The function of the heart, liver and
                             p = 0.77
                       12                                     endocrine organs are also needed to determine the
                             Baseline  6 months   12 months

                                                              efficacy of chelation therapy (Table  4.3 ).
                   (a)                                             Deferiprone  is an orally active iron chelator
                                                              which causes predominantly urinary iron excretion.
                                                              It is usually given 75  mg/kg in three doses daily. It

                              Deferoxamine                    is licensed in 61 countries but not in the USA or
                                                              Canada. It may be used alone or in combination

                       72                                     with deferoxamine. The drugs have an additive or
                      LV ejection fraction (%)  70            is more effective than deferoxamine at removing

                                                              even synergistic effect on iron excretion. Deferiprone

                                                              cardiac iron (Fig.  4.5 ). Compliance is also better.
                                                              Side - effects include an arthropathy, agranulocytosis

                                                              (in about 1%), neutropenia, gastrointestinal distur-
                       68                                     bance and zinc defi ciency. Monitoring of the blood
                                                              count, initially weekly, is needed in all patients
                                       p = 0.074
                             p = 0.34             p = 0.0034  receiving deferiprone.

                                                                   Deferasirox  (Exjade ) is the newest oral chela-

                                                              tor. It is given once daily 20 – 40  mg/kg having a
                             Baseline  6 months   12 months   prolonged plasma half - life and causes faecal iron
                                                              excretion only. Skin rashes and transient changes in
                                                              liver enzymes and a rise in serum creatinine have

                              Figure 4.5   (a)  Reduction in cardiac iron assessed by   been reported. The ease of administration and its

                    T2 *  MRI is greater in patients treated with deferiprone   lack of major side - effects have resulted in its wide-
                    than with deferoxamine.  (b)  Improvement in left   spread use.
                    ventricular (LV) ejection factor is greater with     Life expectancy has improved dramatically for
                    deferiprone than with deferoxamine.  (From Pennell   thalassaemia major and other transfusion depend-
                    D.J.  et al.  (2006)  Blood   107 , 3738 – 44, with
                                                              ent patients with the introduction of subcutaneous
                                                              deferoxamine and more recently the two orally

                                                              active chelators. There is evidence that they can in
                                                              many cases reverse liver and cardiac damage caused
                                                              by iron overload, and may also improve endocrine
                                                              status (e.g. diabetes mellitus). With good compli-
                                                              ance, serious organ damage from iron overload
                                                              should be avoided.
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