Page 71 - Essential Haematology
P. 71

Chapter 4  Iron overload  /  57

                                  ■   Iron overload is caused by excessive   transferrin receptor 2 and ferroportin).
                           absorption of iron from food (genetic   Repeated venesections are used to reduce
                           haemochromatosis) or by repeated blood   the body iron burden.
                           transfusions in patients with refractory         ■    Transfusional iron overload most frequently   SUMMARY

                           anaemias. Each unit of blood contains   occurs in thalassaemia major but also in
                           200 – 250   mg of iron.                 other transfusion dependent refractory
                              ■    Excess iron absorbed from the   anaemias (e.g. some cases of

                           gastrointestinal tract accumulates in the   myelodysplasia, sickle cell anaemia,
                           parenchymal cells of the liver, endocrine   primary myelofi brosis, red cell aplasia and
                           organs and, in severe cases, the heart.    aplastic anaemia).

                              ■    Transfusional iron overload causes damage         ■    Cardiac failure or arrhythmia caused by

                           to these organs and also iron accumulation   cardiac siderosis, best detected by MRI,
                           in macrophages of the reticuloendothelial   is the most frequent cause of death from
                           system.                                 transfusional iron overload.

                              ■    Genetic haemochromatosis is usually         ■    Treatment is with iron chelating drugs:

                           caused by homozygous mutation           deferoxamine (given subcutaneously or
                           (845G    →   A) of the  HFE  gene causing a low   intravenously), deferiprone or deferasirox

                           serum hepcidin level. Rarer forms exist   (which are both active by mouth).
                           caused by mutations of other genes      Combinations of chelators are also
                           coding for proteins (hemojuvelin, hepcidin,   employed.
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