Page 69 - Essential Haematology
P. 69

Chapter 4  Iron overload  /  55

                      (a)                                        (b)

                      (c)                                        (d)

                                Figure 4.4   T2 *  magnetic resonance images (MRIs) showing tissue appearance in iron overload:  (a)  normal
                      volunteer,  (b)  severe iron overload. Green arrow, normal appearance; red arrow, iron overload. Lack of correla-
                      tion: liver and cardiac iron in two cases of thalassaemia major  (c)  and  (d) . (Courtesy of Professor D.J. Pennell.)

                      Iron chelated by deferoxamine is mainly excreted in   but in some cases intensive continuous chelation
                      the urine but up to one - third is also excreted in the   therapy with intravenous deferoxamine alone or
                      stools. Vitamin C 200   mg/day is given to increase   combined with oral deferiprone can reverse heart
                      iron excretion. Deferoxamine can also be given   damage caused by iron overload. However, lack of
                      intravascularly via a separate bag at the time of   compliance is frequent and the drug is costly. In
                      blood transfusion. If patients comply with this   addition, deferoxamine may have side - eff ects, espe-
                      intensive iron chelation regimen, life expectancy for   cially in children with relatively low serum ferritin
                      patients with thalassaemia major and other chronic   levels. Th ese include high tone deafness, retinal
                      refractory anaemias receiving regular blood transfu-  damage, bone abnormalities and growth retarda-
                      sion (Table  4.4 ) improves considerably. Th e  drug   tion. Patients should have auditory and fundoscopic
                      more rapidly chelates liver compared to cardiac iron   examinations at regular intervals.
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