Page 76 - Essential Haematology
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62  /  Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias

                                             N     N
                                      H 2N   1     8
                                          2           7
                                                                        O H  COOH (α)
                                          3           6     H
                                             4     5    CH  N           C N CH
                                             N     N    9  2  10
                                                                            CH 2
                                                                            CH 2
                                                                            COOH (γ)

                              Figure 5.4   The structure of folic (pteroylglutamic) acid. Dietary folates may contain: (a) additional hydrogen

                    atoms at positions 7 and 8 (dihydrofolate) or 5, 6, 7 and 8 (tetrahydrofolate); (b) a formyl group at N  5   or N  10  , a
                    methyl group at N  5   or other 1 - carbon groups; and (c) additional glutamate moiety attached to the  γ - carboxyl

                    group of the glutamate moiety.
                    some laboratories as tests for B  12    defi ciency  (see   ciency is thought to cause megaloblastic anaemia
                       p. 69   ).                             by inhibiting thymidylate synthesis, a rate - limiting
                                                              step in DNA synthesis in which thymidine
                                                              monophosphate (dTMP) is synthesized. Th is reac-
                                                              tion needs 5,10 - methylene THF polyglutamate as
                      Folic (pteroylglutamic) acid is the parent compound   coenzyme.
                    of a large group of compounds, the folates, that are    All body cells, including those of the bone
                    derived from it (Fig.  5.4 ). Humans are unable to   marrow, receive folate from plasma as methyl THF.
                    synthesize the folate structure and thus require pre-  B  12   is needed in the conversion of this methyl THF
                    formed folate as a vitamin.               to THF, a reaction in which homocysteine is meth-
                                                              ylated to methionine. THF (but not methyl THF)
                                                              is a substrate for folate polyglutamate synthesis
                        Absorption,  t ransport and  f unction

                                                              inside cells. The folate polyglutamates act as intrac-
                     Dietary folates are converted to methyl  THF   ellular folate coenzymes, including 5,10 - methylene
                    (which, like folic acid, contains only one glutamate   THF polyglutamate, the coenzyme form of folate
                    moiety) during absorption through the upper small   involved in the synthesis of dTMP and of dTTP
                    intestine. Once inside the cell they are converted to   (Fig.  5.5 ). Lack of B  12   prevents the demethylation
                    folate polyglutamates (Fig.  5.5 ). Folate binding pro-  of methyl  THF, thus depriving cells of  THF of
                    teins are present on cell surfaces including the ente-  5,10 - methylene  THF polyglutamate and so of
                    rocyte and facilitate entry of reduced folates into   dTMP and dTTP (Fig.  5.5 ).

                    cells. There is no specific plasma protein that     Other congenital or acquired causes of megalo-
                    enhances cellular folate uptake.          blastic anaemia (e.g. antimetabolite drug therapy)
                       Folates are needed in a variety of biochemical   inhibit purine or pyrimidine synthesis at one or

                    reactions in the body involving single carbon unit   other step. The result is a reduced supply of one or
                    transfer, in amino acid interconversions (e.g. homo-  other of the four precursors needed for DNA
                    cysteine conversion to methionine) (Figs  5.3 ,  5.5 )   synthesis.
                    and serine to glycine or in synthesis of purine pre-
                    cursors of DNA.
                                                                  Folate  r eduction
                                                                During the synthesis of dTMP, the folate polygluta-
                        Biochemical  b asis for  m egaloblastic
                      a naemia (Fig.  5.5 )                   mate coenzyme becomes oxidized from the THF
                                                              state to dihydrofolate (DHF) (Fig.  5.5 ). Regeneration
                      DNA is formed by polymerization of the four   of active THF requires the enzyme DHF reductase.
                    deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. Folate defi -  Inhibitors of this enzyme (e.g. methotrexate) there-
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