Page 77 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias  /  63

                                                                      Table 5.3   Causes of severe vitamin B  12

                                                                  defi ciency.
                              dATP    dGTP     dCTP    dTTP             Nutritional
                                                                      Especially vegans
                                                       dTDP             Malabsorption
                                                                        Gastric causes
                                                                      Pernicious anaemia
                                           DHF         dTMP
                                        polyglutamate                 Congenital lack or abnormality of intrinsic factor
                                                                      Total or partial gastrectomy
                              THF     5, 10-methylene THF  dUMP
                          polyglutamate  polyglutamate                  Intestinal causes
                                                                      Intestinal stagnant loop syndrome  –  jejunal
                                                                  diverticulosis, blind - loop, stricture, etc.
                              THF                                     Chronic tropical sprue
                                    Methionine                        Ileal resection and Crohn ’ s disease
                             B 12
                                    Homocysteine                      Congenital selective malabsorption with
                           Methyl THF                             proteinuria (autosomal recessive megaloblastic
                                                  Cell membrane   anaemia)
                                                                      Fish tapeworm
                           Methyl THF
                                                                        Causes of mild vitamin B  12  defi ciency; other causes of
                                                  Small intestine  malabsorption of vitamin B  12  (e.g. malabsorption of food
                                                                  B  12 , in the elderly, atrophic gastritis, severe pancreatitis,
                                                                  gluten - induced enteropathy, HIV infection or therapy with
                                                                  metformin): These conditions do not usually lead to
                           Dietary folates
                                                                  vitamin B  12  defi ciency suffi cient to cause anaemia or
                                Figure 5.5   The biochemical basis of megaloblastic

                      anaemia caused by vitamin B  12   or folate defi ciency.
                      Folate is required in one of its coenzyme forms,
                      5,10 - methylene tetrahydrofolate (THF) polyglutamate,
                      in the synthesis of thymidine monophosphate from its   ase but only very weakly against the human enzyme,
                      precursor deoxyuridine monophosphate. Vitamin B  12   is   is used alone or in combination with a sulphona-
                      needed to convert methyl THF, which enters the cells   mide, as co - trimoxazole.  Toxicity caused by
                      from plasma, to THF, from which polyglutamate forms
                      of folate are synthesized. Dietary folates are all   methotrexate or pyrimethamine is reversed by
                      converted to methyl THF (a monoglutamate) by the   giving the reduced folate, folinic acid (5 - formyl
                      small intestine. A, adenine; C, cytosine; d, deoxyri-  THF).
                      bose; DHF, dihydrofolate; DP, diphosphate;
                      G, guanine; MP, monophosphate; T, thymine;       Vitamin  B  12    d efi ciency

                      TP, triphosphate; U, uracil.
                                                                 In  Western countries, severe deficiency is usually

                                                                caused by (Addisonian) pernicious anaemia (Table
                      fore inhibit all folate coenzyme reactions, and    5.3 ). Less commonly, it may be caused by veganism
                      so DNA synthesis (Fig.  5.5 ). Methotrexate is a   in which the diet lacks B  12   (usually in Hindu
                      useful drug, mainly in the treatment of malignant   Indians), gastrectomy or small intestinal lesions.

                      or inflammatory disease (e.g. of the skin) with   Mild degrees of B  12   defi ciency have been reported

                      excessive cell turnover. The weaker antagonist,   in the elderly and ascribed to poor diet and malab-
                      pyrimethamine, is used primarily against malaria.   sorption of food B  12  .  Th ere is no syndrome of

                      Trimethoprim, active against bacterial DHF reduct-  B  12   deficiency as a result of increased utilization or
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