Page 80 - Essential Haematology
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66  /  Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias

                              Figure 5.8   Megaloblastic anaemia: angular             Figure 5.9   Cross - section of the spinal cord in a

                    cheilosis (stomatitis).                   patient who died with subacute combined degenera-
                                                              tion of the cord (Weigert – Pal stain). There is demyel-
                                                              ination of the dorsal and dorsolateral columns.
                         Table 5.6   Effects of vitamin B  12   or folate

                     defi ciency.
                         Megaloblastic anaemia
                         Macrocytosis of epithelial cell surfaces
                         Neuropathy (for vitamin B  12   only)
                         Rarely, reversible melanin skin pigmentation
                         Decreased osteoblast activity
                         Neural tube defects in the fetus are related to
                     folate or B  12   defi ciency
                         Cardiovascular disease, e.g. stroke

                    sorption with loss of weight may be present because
                    of the epithelial abnormality. Purpura as a result of
                    thrombocytopenia and widespread melanin pig-
                    mentation (the cause of which is unclear) are less
                    frequent presenting features (Table  5.6 ). Many
                    asymptomatic patients are diagnosed when a blood
                    count that has been performed for another reason
                    reveals macrocytosis.

                        Vitamin  B  12    n europathy ( s ubacute
                      c ombined  d egeneration of the  c ord)
                     Severe B  12  deficiency can cause a progressive neu-

                    ropathy affecting the peripheral sensory nerves and             Figure 5.10   A baby with neural tube defect (spina

                    posterior and lateral columns (Fig.  5.9 ). Th e neu-  bifi da).  (Courtesy of Professor C.J. Schorah.)
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