Page 85 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias  /  71

                      folate - supplemented foods or as folic acid) to   cell folate and low serum B  12   or vitamin B  6   levels.

                      prevent a first occurrence of an NTD in the fetus.   Although folate deficiency (and in some studies, the
                      Folic acid is also given to patients undergoing   presence of the polymorphism in the 5,10 - MTHFR
                      chronic dialysis and with severe haemolytic   gene) has been associated with an increased inci-
                      anaemias and primary myelofibrosis, and to pre-  dence of cardiovascular disease, recent large rand-

                      mature babies. Food fortification with folic acid   omized studies have not shown a reduction in the

                      (e.g. in flour) is currently recommended in the   rate of myocardial infarction by the use of prophy-

                      UK to reduce the incidence of NTDs and is   lactic folic acid but a reduction in incidence
                      already practised in over 40 countries including   of stroke of about 15% has been found on
                      North America.                            meta - analysis.
                          Other  m egaloblastic  a naemias          Malignant  d iseases

                       See Table  5.1 .                           Various associations have been found between folate
                                                                status or polymorphisms in folate metabolizing

                          Abnormalities of  v itamin  B  12   or   enzymes and malignant diseases such as colon or
                        f olate  m etabolism                    breast cancer and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in
                                                                childhood. In most but not all, reduced folate status

                       These include congenital deficiencies of enzymes   has been associated with an increased risk of malig-
                      concerned in B  12   or folate metabolism or of the   nancy. Large - scale studies of prophylactic folic acid
                      serum transport protein for B  12  , TC. Nitrous oxide   undertaken for cardiovascular disease, have gener-
                      (N  2  O) anaesthesia causes rapid inactivation of body   ally not shown in any difference in cancer incidence

                      B  12   by oxidizing the reduced cobalt atom of methyl   between those taking folic acid and controls.
                      B  12  . Megaloblastic marrow changes occur with
                      several days of N  2  O administration and can cause
                      pancytopenia. Chronic exposure (as in dentists and       Defects of  DNA   s ynthesis  n ot  r elated to

                      anaesthetists) has been associated with neurological     v itamin  B  12   or  f olate
                      damage resembling B  12    defi ciency  neuropathy.    Congenital deficiency of one or other enzyme con-

                      Antifolate drugs, particularly those which inhibit   cerned in purine or pyrimidine synthesis can cause
                      DHF reductase (e.g. methotrexate and pyrimeth-  megaloblastic anaemia identical in appearance to
                      amine) may also cause megaloblastic change.   that caused by a deficiency of B  12   or folate. Th e

                      Trimethoprim, which inhibits bacterial DHF   best known is orotic aciduria. Th erapy  with
                      reductase, has only a slight action against the   drugs that inhibit purine or pyrimidine synthesis
                      human   enzyme   and  causes  megaloblastic  (such as hydroxyurea, cytosine arabinoside, 6 -
                      change only in patients already B  12   or folate   mercaptopurine and zidovudine (AZT)) and some
                      deficient.                                forms of acute myeloid leukaemia or myelodysplasia

                                                                also cause megaloblastic anaemia.
                          Systemic  d iseases  a ssociated
                      with  f olate or  v itamin  B  12             Other  m acrocytic  a naemias

                        d efi ciency
                                                                 There are many non - megaloblastic causes of macro-

                                                                cytic anaemia (Table  5.10 ). The exact mechanisms
                          Cardiovascular  d iseases
                                                                creating large red cells in each of these conditions
                       Raised serum homocysteine levels are associated   is not clear although increased lipid deposition on
                      with an increased incidence of myocardial infarct,   the red cell membrane or alterations of erythroblast
                      peripheral and cerebral vascular disease and venous   maturation time in the marrow may be implicated.
                      thrombosis (see Chapter  27   ). Raised serum homo-  Alcohol is the most frequent cause of a raised MCV
                      cysteine levels are associated with low serum and red   in the absence of anaemia. Reticulocytes are bigger
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