Page 83 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias  /  69

                      serum folate tends to rise but the red cell folate falls.       Treatment
                      In the absence of B  12   defi ciency, however, the red
                                                                  Most cases only need therapy with the appropriate
                      cell folate is a more accurate guide of tissue folate
                                                                vitamin (Table  5.9 ). If large doses of folic acid (e.g.
                      status than the serum folate. Measurement of serum
                                                                5   mg/day) are given in B  12   defi ciency they cause a
                      methylmalonic acid is a test for B  12   defi ciency and
                                                                haematological response but may aggravate the neu-
                      of homocysteine for folate or B  12   defi ciency. Th ese
                                                                ropathy. They should therefore not be given alone

                      are not specific, however, and it is diffi  cult to estab-

                                                                unless B  12   deficiency has been excluded. In severely

                      lish normal levels in different age groups. Th ese tests

                                                                anaemic patients who need treatment urgently it
                      are not widely available.
                                                                may be safer to initiate treatment with both vita-
                          Tests for  c ause of  v itamin  B  12   or

                        f olate  d efi ciency

                       For  B  12    deficiency, absorption tests using an oral       Table 5.8   Tests for cause of vitamin B  12   or

                      dose of radioactive labelled cyanocobalamin were   folate defi ciency.
                      valuable in distinguishing malabsorption from an
                      inadequate diet but are not now available.         Vitamin B  12          Folate
                           Useful tests are listed in Table  5.8 . Th ese  are
                                                                      Diet history     Diet history
                      mainly concerned with assessing gastric function and
                      testing for antibodies to gastric antigens. In all cases       Serum gastrin     Tests for intestinal
                      of pernicious anaemia endoscopy studies should               malabsorption

                      be performed to confirm the presence of gastric       IF, parietal cell       Anti - transglutaminase and
                      atrophy and exclude carcinoma of the stomach.      antibodies     endomysial antibodies

                           For folate deficiency, the dietary history is most
                                                                      Endoscopy      Duodenal biopsy

                      important, although it is difficult to estimate folate
                                                                                     Underlying disease
                      intake accurately. Unsuspected gluten - induced
                      enteropathy or other underlying conditions should
                                                                        IF, intrinsic factor.
                      also be considered (Table  5.5 ).
                            Table 5.9   Treatment of megaloblastic anaemia.

                                        Vitamin B  12   defi ciency       Folate defi ciency
                            Compound     Hydroxocobalamin      Folic acid
                            Route     Intramuscular *          Oral

                            Dose         1000   μ g              5   mg

                            Initial dose        6    ×   1000   μ g over 2 – 3 weeks        Daily for 4 months

                            Maintenance         1000   μ g every 3 months         Depends on underlying disease; life - long therapy may

                                                             be needed in chronic inherited haemolytic anaemias,
                                                             myelofi brosis, renal dialysis
                            Prophylactic     Total gastrectomy       Pregnancy, severe haemolytic anaemias, dialysis,
                                      Ileal resection        prematurity
                                *   Some authors have recommended daily oral or sublingual therapy of vitamin B  12   defi ciency.
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