Page 86 - Essential Haematology
P. 86

72  /  Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias

                                                                  Differential  d iagnosis of  m acrocytic
                         Table 5.10   Causes of macrocytosis other

                     than megaloblastic anaemia.                a naemias

                                                               The clinical history and physical examination
                         Alcohol                              may suggest B  12   or folate defi ciency as the
                         Liver disease                        cause. Diet, drugs, alcohol intake, family history,
                                                              history suggestive of malabsorption, presence
                                                              of autoimmune diseases or other associations
                         Myelodysplastic syndromes            with pernicious anaemia (Table  5.4 ), previous
                         Cytotoxic drugs                      gastrointestinal disease or operations are all impor-

                                                              tant. The presence of jaundice, glossitis or a
                         Aplastic anaemia
                                                              neuropathy are also valuable indications of mega-
                         Pregnancy                            loblastic anaemia.

                                                                 The laboratory features of particular importance
                                                              are the shape of macrocytes (oval in megaloblastic
                         Reticulocytosis                      anaemia), the presence of hypersegmented neu-
                         Myeloma and paraproteinaemia         trophils and of leucopenia and thrombocytopenia
                                                              in megaloblastic anaemia and the bone marrow
                                                              appearance. Assay of serum B  12   and folate is essen-
                    than mature red cells and so haemolytic anaemia is   tial. Exclusion of alcoholism (particularly if the
                    an important cause of macrocytic anaemia. Th e   patient is not anaemic), liver and thyroid function
                    other underlying conditions listed in Table  5.10  are   tests, and bone marrow examination for myelodys-
                    usually easily diagnosed provided that they are con-  plasia, aplasia or myeloma are important in the
                    sidered and the appropriate investigations to exclude   investigation of macrocytosis not caused by B  12   or
                    B  12   or folate defi ciency are carried out.       folate defi ciency.

                 SUMMARY   size of circulating red cells (MCV  >  98   fl ).         ■    Other gastrointestinal diseases as well as a

                                                                stomach which facilitates B  12   absorption by
                                ■   Macrocytic anaemias show an increased

                                                                the ileum.

                        Causes include vitamin B  12   (B  12  , cobalamin)
                                                                vegan diet may cause B  12   defi ciency.
                        or folate defi ciency, alcohol, liver disease,

                                                                    ■    Folate defi ciency may be caused by a poor
                        hypothyroidism, myelodysplasia,
                        paraproteinaemia, cytotoxic drugs, aplastic
                                                                diet, malabsorption (e.g. gluten - induced
                        anaemia, pregnancy and the neonatal
                                                                pregnancy, haemolytic anaemias,

                            ■    B  12   or folate defi ciency cause   enteropathy) or excess cell turnover (e.g.

                        megaloblastic anaemia, in which the bone         ■    Treatment of B  12   defi ciency is usually with

                        marrow erythroblasts have a typical     injections of hydroxocobalamin and of
                        abnormal appearance.                    folate defi ciency with oral folic

                            ■    B  12   defi ciency is usually caused by B  12      (pteroylglutamic) acid.

                        malabsorption brought about by pernicious         ■    Rare causes of megaloblastic anaemia
                        anaemia in which there is autoimmune    include inborn errors of B  12   or folate
                        gastritis, resulting in severe defi ciency of   transport or metabolism, and defects of
                        intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein made in the   DNA synthesis not related to B  12   or folate.

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