Page 84 - Essential Haematology
P. 84

70  /  Chapter 5  Macrocytic anaemias

                    mins after blood has been taken for B  12   and folate  although giant metamyelocytes persist for up to
                    estimation and a bone marrow test has been per-  12 days.

                    formed. In the elderly, the presence of heart failure    The peripheral neuropathy may partly improve
                    should be corrected with diuretics. Blood transfu-  but spinal cord damage is irreversible. Th e shorter
                    sion should be avoided if possible as it may cause  the history of neurological symptoms, the greater
                    circulatory overload.                     the chance of recovery.

                        Response to  t herapy                     Prophylactic  t herapy

                     The patient feels better after 24 – 48 hours of correct   Vitamin B  12   is given for life to patients who have
                    vitamin therapy with increased appetite and well -  total gastrectomy or ileal resection. Folic acid is

                     being.  The haemoglobin should rise by 2 – 3  g/dL  given in pregnancy at a recommended dosage of

                    each fortnight. The white cell and platelet counts  400    μ g/day and all women of child - bearing age
                    become normal in 7 – 10 days (Fig.  5.13 ) and  are recommended to have an intake of at least
                    the marrow is normoblastic in about 48 hours,  400    μ g/day (by increased intake of folate - rich or

                                                     Hydroxocobalamin 1 mg i.m.

                                         15                                     30

                                                Reticulocytes                   20
                                       Haemoglobin (g/dL)  5  Haemoglobin       10  Reticulocytes (%)

                                          0                                     0

                                        300         Platelets                   15
                                       Platelets (x 10 9 /L)  200               10  White blood cells (x 10 9 /L)

                                        100                                     5
                                                            White blood cells

                                          0                                     0
                                             0   2  4   6   8  10  12  14   60

                              Figure 5.13   Typical haematological response to vitamin B  12   (hydroxocobalamin) therapy in pernicious anaemia.
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89