Page 63 - Essential Haematology
P. 63

Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias  /  49

                                  ■   Iron is present in the body in haemoglobin,   or the female genital tract. Dietary intake is
                           myoglobin, haemosiderin and ferritin, and   important particularly in underdeveloped
                           in iron - containing enzymes. Transferrin is   countries.
                           the main transport protein in blood and         ■    The red cells are hypochromic and   SUMMARY

                           hepcidin the main regulator of iron     microcytic. It is treated by oral or
                           absorption and iron release from        parenteral iron and by treating, as far as
                           macrophages.                            possible, the underlying cause.

                              ■    Iron metabolism is regulated according to         ■    Other frequent causes of a hypochromic,

                           iron status by intracellular iron regulatory   microcytic anaemia are the anaemia of
                           proteins and by control of hepcidin     chronic disorders, which occurs in patients
                           synthesis.                              with chronic infl ammatory or malignant

                              ■    Iron defi ciency is the most common   diseases, and  α -  or  β - thalassaemia. Less

                           cause of anaemia throughout the world.   frequent causes include sideroblastic
                           The serum ferritin, serum iron and      anaemia (some cases) and lead poisoning.
                           saturation of the iron binding capacity are         ■    Sideroblastic anaemias are characterised

                           reduced.                                by frequent ring sideroblasts in the marrow.

                              ■    In Western countries, it is usually caused   The most frequent is a sub-type of

                           by haemorrhage from the gastrointestinal   myelodysplasia.
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