Page 60 - Essential Haematology
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46  /  Chapter 3  Hypochromic anaemias

                        Iron  r efractory  i ron  d efi cency      5      Bone marrow storage (reticuloendothelial) iron is
                      a naemia ( IRIDA )                        normal but erythroblast iron is reduced (Table
                                                                 3.7 ).
                     Rare auosomal recessive cases of hypochromic
                    microcytic anaemia have been described caused by   Th  e pathogenesis of this anaemia appears to be
                    inherited mutations of matriptase 2 or DMT - 1  related to decreased release of iron from macro-

                    genes (Figs  3.4  and  3.5 ). There may be a haemato-  phages to plasma because of raised serum hepcidin
                    logical response to intravenous but not oral iron.     levels, reduced red cell lifespan and an inadequate

                        Anaemia of  c hronic  d isorders
                                                                   Table 3.6   Causes of the anaemia of chronic

                      One of the most common anaemias occurs in
                    patients with a variety of chronic infl ammatory and
                    malignant diseases (Table  3.6 ). Th e  characteristic         Chronic infl ammatory diseases
                    features are:                                  Infections (e.g. pulmonary abscess,
                                                                tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia,
                       1      Normochromic, normocytic or mildly hypochro-
                                                                bacterial endocarditis)
                      mic (MCV rarely  < 75   fL) indices and red cell
                                                                   Non - infectious (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis,
                                                                systemic lupus erythematosus and other
                       2      Mild and non - progressive anaemia (haemoglobin
                                                                connective tissue diseases, sarcoidosis,
                      rarely  < 9.0   g/dL)  –  the severity being related to   Crohn ’ s disease, Gaucher ’ s disease)
                      the severity of the disease.
                                                                     Malignant diseases

                       3   Both the serum iron and TIBC are reduced.

                                                                   Carcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma

                       4      The serum ferritin is normal or raised.

                         Table 3.7   Laboratory diagnosis of a hypochromic anaemia.
                                                        infl ammation     Thalassaemia     Sideroblastic
                                              Iron defi ciency       or malignancy          trait ( α  or  β )           anaemia
                         MCV/                 Reduced in       Normal or mild       Reduced; very       Usually low in
                       MCH                relation to   reduction      low for degree   congenital type but
                                          severity of                  of anaemia    MCV usually raised
                                          anaemia                                    in acquired type
                         Serum iron         Reduced       Reduced        Normal        Raised
                         TIBC               Raised        Reduced        Normal        Normal
                         Serum ferritin     Reduced       Normal or raised     Normal     Raised
                         Bone marrow iron stores     Absent     Present     Present     Present
                         Erythroblast iron     Absent     Absent        Present        Ring forms
                         Haemoglobin          Normal      Normal         Hb A  2  raised       Normal
                     electrophoresis                                   in  β  form

                           MCH, mean corpuscular haemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; TIBC, total iron - binding capacity.
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