Page 35 - Essential Haematology
P. 35

Chapter 2  Erythropoiesis and anaemia  /  21

                             α    β              α     β                             Arterial O 2 tension
                         O 2  1    1  O 2         1     1
                                                                           Mean venous
                                                                             O 2 tension      2,3-DPG
                                                   2,3-DPG         75      2,3-DPG +            CO 2 +

                         O 2          O 2                                    HbF                HbS
                             β 2  α 2            β 2   α 2        % saturation haemoglobin  50  P 50
                          Oxyhaemoglobin      Deoxyhaemoglobin

                                Figure 2.8   The oxygenated and deoxygenated   25
                      haemoglobin molecule.  α ,  β , globin chains of normal
                      adult haemoglobin (Hb A). 2,3 - DPG,
                      2,3 - diphosphoglycerate.                     0
                                                                      0       25      50      75      100
                                                                                     PO 2

                                                                          Figure 2.9   The haemoglobin oxygen (O  2  ) dissociation

                                                                curve. 2,3 - DPG, 2,3 - diphosphoglycerate.
                          Haemoglobin  f unction

                       The red cells in systemic arterial blood carry O  2
                      from the lungs to the tissues and return in venous  in the red cell and on the structure of the haemo-
                      blood with CO  2   to the lungs. As the haemoglobin  globin molecule. High concentrations of 2,3 - DPG,
                      molecule loads and unloads O  2   the individual  H   or CO  2  , and the presence of certain haemoglob-
                      globin chains in the haemoglobin molecule move  ins, e.g. sickle haemoglobin (Hb S), shift the curve
                      on each other (Fig.  2.8 ). Th e  α   1   β   1   and  α   2   β   2   contacts  to the right (oxygen is given up more easily) whereas
                      stabilize the molecule. Th e   β  chains slide on the  fetal haemoglobin (Hb F)  –  which is unable to bind
                        α   1   β   2   and  α   2   β   1   contacts during oxygenation and  2,3 - DPG  –  and certain rare abnormal haemoglob-
                      deoxygenation. When O  2   is unloaded the  β  chains  ins associated with polycythaemia shift the curve to
                      are pulled apart, permitting entry of the metabolite  the left because they give up O  2   less readily than
                      2,3 - diphosphoglycerate  (2,3 - DPG)  resulting  in  a  normal.

                      lower affinity of the molecule for O  2  . Th is move-

                      ment is responsible for the sigmoid form of the
                      haemoglobin O  2   dissociation curve (Fig.  2.9 ). Th e       Methaemoglobinaemia
                        P   50   (i.e. the partial pressure of O  2   at which haemo-
                      globin is half saturated with O  2  ) of normal blood is   Th  is is a clinical state in which circulating haemo-
                                                                                                      3 +
                      26.6   mmHg.  With  increased  affi  nity  for  O  2  ,  the  globin is present with iron in the oxidized (Fe   )
                                                                                  2 +
                      curve shifts to the left (i.e. the  P   50   falls) while with  instead of the usual Fe    state. It may arise because
                      decreased affi  nity  for  O  2  , the curve shifts to the  of a hereditary defi ciency of methaemoglobin
                      right (i.e. the  P   50   rises).         reductase deficiency or inheritance of a structurally

                          Normally,  in vivo , O  2   exchange operates between  abnormal haemoglobin (Hb M). Hb Ms contain an
                      95% saturation (arterial blood) with a mean arterial  amino acid substitution aff ecting the haem pocket
                      O  2   tension of 95   mmHg and 70% saturation  of the globin chain. Toxic methaemoglobinaemia
                      (venous blood) with a mean venous O  2   tension of  (and/or sulphaemoglobinaemia) occurs when a
                      40   mmHg (Fig.  2.9 ).                   drug or other toxic substance oxidizes haemoglobin.

                          The normal position of the curve depends on  In all these states, the patient is likely to show
                      the concentration of 2,3 - DPG, H   ions and CO  2    cyanosis.
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