Page 24 - Essential Haematology
P. 24

10  /  Chapter 1  Haemopoiesis

                    in their dimerization and translocation from the cell  complex cascades of biochemical events resulting in
                    cytoplasm across the nuclear membrane to the cell  changes in gene expression, cell proliferation and
                    nucleus. Within the nucleus STAT dimers activate  prevention of apoptosis.

                    transcription of specific genes. A model for control
                    of gene expression by a transcription factor is shown       The  c ell  c ycle

                    in Fig.  1.9 . The clinical importance of this pathway

                    is revealed by the finding of an activating mutation   Th  e cell division cycle, generally known simply as
                    of the  JAK2  gene as the cause of polycythaemia  the  cell cycle , is a complex process that lies at the
                    rubra vera (see  p. 201   ).              heart of haemopoiesis. Dysregulation of cell prolif-
                       JAK can also activate the MAPK pathway which  eration is also the key to the development of malig-
                    is regulated by Ras and controls proliferation. PI3  nant disease. Th  e duration of the cell cycle is variable
                    kinases phophorylate inositol lipids which have a  between diff erent tissues but the basic principles

                    wide range of downstream effects including activa-  remain constant. The cycle is divided into the
                    tion of AKT leading to block of apoptosis and  mitotic phase ( M phase ), during which the cell

                    other actions (Fig.  1.8 ; see Fig.  15.2 ). Diff erent  physically divides, and  interphase  during which the
                    domains of the intracellular receptor protein may  chromosomes are duplicated and cell growth occurs
                    signal for the different processes (e.g. proliferation  prior to division (Fig.  1.10 ). Th  e M phase is further

                    or suppression of apoptosis) mediated by growth  partitioned into classical  mitosis  in which nuclear
                    factors.                                  division is accomplished, and  cytokinesis  in which
                        A second smaller group of growth factors,  cell fi ssion occurs.
                    including SCF, FLT - 3L and M - CSF (Table  1.3 ),     Interphase is divided into three main stages: a
                    bind to receptors that have an extracellular   G  1    phase  in which the cell begins to commit to
                    immunoglobulin - like domain linked via a trans-  replication, an  S phase  during which DNA content
                    membrane bridge to a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase  doubles (Fig.  1.10 b) and the chromosomes replicate
                    domain. Growth factor binding results in dimeriza-  and the  G  2   phase  in which the cell organelles are
                    tion of these receptors and consequent activation of  copied and cytoplasmic volume is increased. If cells
                    the tyrosine kinase domain. Phosphorylation of  rest prior to division they enter a G  0   state where
                    tyrosine residues in the receptor itself generates  they can remain for long periods of time. Th e
                    binding sites for signalling proteins which initiate  number of cells at each stage of the cell cycle can

                                                   domain   RNA polymerase
                                                                 +         Transcription
                                        DNA-binding         accessory factors

                                         Enhancer              TATA box     Structural
                                        DNA sequence           sequence      gene

                              Figure 1.9   Model for control of gene expression by a transcription factor. The DNA - binding domain of a
                    transcription factor binds a specifi c enhancer sequence adjacent to a structural gene. The transactivation
                    domain then binds a molecule of RNA polymerase, thus augmenting its binding to the TATA box. The RNA
                    polymerase now initiates transcription of the structural gene to form mRNA. Translation of the mRNA by the
                    ribosomes generates the protein encoded by the gene.
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