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306  /  Chapter 23  Stem cell transplantation

                        Chimerism  a nalysis                  these tissues are involved but also the joints and
                                                              other serosal surfaces, the oral mucosa and lacrimal
                      Following allogeneic SCT, the recipient  s blood
                                                              glands. Features of scleroderma, Sj ö gren  s syndrome
                    shows the presence of both donor and recipient

                                                              and lichen planus may develop. The immune system
                    cells (chimerism). This can be by fl uorescence

                                                              is impaired (including hyposplenism) with risk of
                      in situ  hybridization (FISH)   analysis of the
                    proportion of  Y chromosome containing cells if
                    there is a sex mismatch or by DNA analysis

                                                                   Table 23.4   Complications of stem cell
                        Complications (Table  23.4 )
                                                                     Early (usually  < 100         Late (usually  > 100

                        Graft - v ersus - h ost  d isease      days)               days)

                     This is caused by donor - derived immune cells, par-      Infections, especially       Infections, especially
                    ticularly T lymphocytes, reacting against recipient   bacterial, fungal,   varicella - zoster,
                    tissues. Its incidence is increased with increasing age   herpes simplex virus,   capsulate bacteria
                    of donor and recipient and if there is any degree of   CMV
                    HLA mismatch between them. GVHD prophylaxis       Haemorrhage     Chronic pattern GVHD
                    is usually given as ciclosporin (intravenously or              (arthritis,
                    orally or tacrolimus for 6 – 12 months) and metho-             malabsorption,
                    trexate (three or four injections). An alternative is          hepatitis, scleroderma,
                    to remove T cells from the donor stem cell infusion.           sicca syndrome,
                    In addition, anti - T - cell antibodies may be given to        lichen planus,
                    the patient.                                                   pulmonary disease,
                       In  acute GVHD , usually occurring in the fi rst            serous effusions)
                    100 days, the skin, gastrointestinal tract or liver       Acute pattern GVHD       Chronic pulmonary

                    are affected (Table  23.5 ). The skin rash typically   (skin, liver, gut)     disease

                    affects the face, palms, soles and ears but may in

                                                                   Graft failure     Autoimmune disorders

                    severe cases affect the whole body (Fig.  23.7 ).

                    Diarrhoea may lead to fluid and electrolyte deple-      Haemorrhagic cystitis     Cataract
                    tion. Typically, bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase       Interstitial pneumonitis     Infertility
                    are raised but the other hepatic enzymes are rela-
                                                                   Others: veno -      Second malignancies
                    tively normal. Acute GVHD is usually treated by
                                                                 occlusive disease,
                    high doses of corticosteroids which are eff ective in   cardiac failure
                    the majority of cases.
                       In   chronic GVHD , which usually occurs
                                                                     CMV, cytomegalovirus; GVHD, graft - versus - host disease.
                    after 100 days and may evolve from acute GVHD,
                         Table 23.5   Acute pattern graft - versus - host disease: clinical staging (Seattle system).

                           Stage       Skin                 Liver (bilirubin,  μ mol/L)       Gut (diarrhoea, L/day)
                         I          Rash  < 25%             20 – 35                 0.5 – 1.0
                         II       Rash 25 – 50%           35 – 80                   1.0 – 1.5
                         III      Erythroderma            80 – 150                  1.5 – 2.5
                         IV       Bullae, desquamation          > 150                 > 2.5; severe pain, ileus
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