Page 322 - Essential Haematology
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308  /  Chapter 23  Stem cell transplantation

                    and mouth antiseptics and treatment in units with   an indication to commence systemic antifungal

                    high efficiency particulate (HEPAR) air fi ltration.   therapy with amphotericin B, caspofungin or vori-
                    Prophylactic therapy with aciclovir, antifungal   conazole    (see p. 171)   . Fungal infections, especially
                    agents and oral antibiotics is often added. If a fever     Candida  and  Aspergillus  species (Fig.  23.9 ), are a
                    or other evidence of an infection occurs, broad -  particular problem because of the prolonged
                     spectrum intravenous antibiotics are commenced   neutropenia.
                    immediately after blood cultures and other appro-    Viral infections, particularly with the herpes
                    priate microbiological specimens have been taken.   group of viruses, are frequent with herpes simplex,
                    Failure of response to antibacterial agents is usually   cytomegalovirus (CMV) and varicella zoster virus


                                                                                      Figure 23.9   (a)  Chest radiograph
                                                                            showing an aspergilloma in a
                                                                            patient following stem cell
                                                                            transplantation.  (b)  Cytology of
                                                                            sputum illustrates the branching
                                                                            septate hyphae of  Aspergillus
                    (b)                                                     (methenamine silver stain).
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