Page 326 - Essential Haematology
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312  /  Chapter 23  Stem cell transplantation

                    (a)                 (b)                  (c)                 (d)

                              Figure 23.13   Post - transplantation lymphoproliferative diseases: 17 - year - old male 5 months after renal transplan-

                    tation had small bowel perforation caused by diffuse large B - cell lymphoma.  (a)  Low - power view of lymphoid
                    mass invading small bowel.  (b)  High - power view of lymphoid mass.  (c)  Immunostaining for CD20.  (d)  EBV - ISH
                    ( in situ  hybridization) stain showing the tumour cells are positive for Epstein – Barr virus (EBV).  (Courtesy of
                    Professor P. Amrolia and Dr N. Sebire.)

                    samples for evidence of recurrence of the  BCR -      Post - t ransplant  l ymphoproliferative

                     ABL1  transcript before karyotypic or clinical   d iseases
                    relapse occurs (Fig.  23.11 ). DLI can then be used   Th  ese are polyclonal or monoclonal lymphoid

                    in cases of molecular relapse. The response to DLI  proliferations that occur in recipients of stem
                    may take several weeks but usually results in a  cell or more frequently solid organ allografts, as

                    permanent cure. The mechanism is unclear but a  a result of the intensive immunosupression.
                    T - cell - mediated  alloreactive  immune  response  is  Th  ey may be EBV driven and are usually of B - cell
                    likely to be a major component. Positron emission  origin. Th  ere is often involvement of bowel, lung
                    tomography (PET) scans are now being used to  or bone marrow (Fig.  23.13 ).  Treatment is by
                    detect the presence of residual disease and can be  reduction of immunosupression (if feasible), anti -
                    used to guide both the requirement for DLI   CD20 (rituximab) and, if appropriate, chemother-
                    and also determining the disease response (Fig.  apy or cytotoxic  T cells engineered to kill the
                     23.12 ).                                 EBV +  tumour cells.

                 SUMMARY             ■   Stem cell transplantation (SCT) involves         ■    Allogeneic SCT requires a tissue (HLA)

                        replacing the haemopoietic and immune
                                                                matching sibling or unrelated donor. The
                        systems by stem cells from either the same
                                                                human leukocyte antigens (HLA) are
                                                                coded for by genes on chromosome 6.
                        subject (autologous) or another individual
                                                                They are extremely polymorphic and are
                        (allogeneic). The donor stem cells can be
                                                                involved in presentation of antigens to T
                        harvested from bone marrow, peripheral

                        blood or umbilical cord.

                            ■    Autologous SCT is most frequently

                        performed for lymphomas or                  ■    Allogeneic SCT is indicated in selected
                                                                cases of acute leukaemia, other malignant
                        myeloma.                                bone marrow diseases, and severe

                            ■    For allogeneic SCT the recipient ’ s own   acquired or genetic marrow diseases (e.g.
                        haemopoietic and immune systems are     aplastic anaemia, thalassaemia major).
                        eliminated by chemotherapy, radiotherapy   Reduced intensity conditioning SCT may
                        and monoclonal antibodies.              be preferred in older subjects.
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