Page 345 - Essential Haematology
P. 345

Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders  /  331

                          Abnormal  b leeding                   usually normal and the other tests of haemostasis
                                                                are also normal. Vascular defects may be inherited

                       This may result from:
                                                                or acquired.
                         1      Vascular disorders
                         2      Th rombocytopenia
                                                                    Inherited  v ascular  d isorders
                         3      Defective platelet function or
                         4      Defective coagulation.              Hereditary  h aemorrhagic  t elangiectasia

                       The pattern of bleeding is relatively predictable   Th  is uncommon disease is transmitted as an auto-
                      depending on the aetiology. Vascular and platelet  somal dominant trait.  Various genetic defects
                      disorders tend to be associated with bleeding from  underlie the disease, e.g. of the endothelial protein,
                      mucous membranes and into the skin whereas in  endoglin. Th  ere are dilated microvascular swellings
                      coagulation disorders the bleeding is often into  which appear during childhood and become more
                      joints or soft tissue (Table  25.1 ).       numerous in adult life. These telangiectasia develop

                       Th e first three categories are discussed in this chapter  in the skin, mucous membranes (Fig.  25.1 a) and
                      and the disorders of blood coagulation follow in  internal organs. Pulmonary, hepatic, splenic and
                      Chapter  26   .                           cerebral arteriovenous shunts are seen in a minority
                                                                of cases. Recurrent epistaxes are frequent and recur-
                                                                rent gastrointestinal tract haemorrhage may cause
                            Table 25.1   Clinical differences between   chronic iron deficiency anaemia. Treatment is with

                        diseases of platelets/vessel wall or of
                        coagulation factors.                    embolization, laser treatment, oestrogens, tran-
                                                                examic acid and iron supplementation.
                                          Platelets/vessel   Coagulation

                                    wall diseases    diseases
                                                                    Connective  t issue  d isorders
                            Mucosal       Common     Rare
                                                                 In the Ehlers – Danlos syndromes there are
                                                                hereditary collagen abnormalities with purpura
                            Petechiae     Common     Rare       resulting from defective platelet aggregation, hyper-
                            Deep        Rare        Characteristic     extensibility of joints and hyperelastic friable skin.
                        haematomas                              Pseudoxanthoma elasticum is associated with arte-
                                                                rial haemorrhage and thrombosis. Patients may

                            Bleeding from   Persistent     Minimal

                        skin cuts                               present with superficial bruising and purpura fol-
                                                                lowing minor trauma or after the application of a
                            Sex of patient     Equal           > 80% male    tourniquet. Bleeding and poor wound healing after
                                                                surgery may be a problem.
                          Vascular  b leeding  d isorders
                                                                    Giant  c avernous  h aemangioma

                       The vascular disorders are a heterogeneous group of

                      conditions characterized by easy bruising and spon-   These congenital malformations occasionally cause
                      taneous bleeding from the small vessels. Th e under-  chronic activation of coagulation leading to labora-
                      lying abnormality is either in the vessels themselves   tory features of disseminated intravascular coagula-
                      or in the perivascular connective tissues. Most cases   tion (DIC) and in some cases thrombocytopenia.
                      of bleeding caused by vascular defects alone are not
                      severe. Frequently, the bleeding is mainly in the skin
                                                                    Acquired  v ascular  d efects
                      causing petechiae, ecchymoses or both (Fig.  25.1 ).
                      In some disorders there is also bleeding from        1      Simple easy bruising is a common benign disor-
                      mucous membranes. In these conditions the stand-  der which occurs in otherwise healthy women,

                      ard screening tests are normal. The bleeding time is   especially those of child - bearing age.
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