Page 347 - Essential Haematology
P. 347

Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders  /  333

                                Figure 25.2   Henoch – Sch ö nlein
                      purpura:  (a)  unusually severe
                      purpura on legs with bullous
                      formation in a 6 - year - old child;
                      and  (b)  early urticarial lesions.     (a)              (b)

                                Figure 25.3   (a)  Typical purpura;

                      and  (b)  massive subcutaneous
                      haemorrhage in a patient with
                      drug - induced thrombocytopenia.    (a)                  (b)

                          Thrombocytopenia                          Failure of  p latelet  p roduction

                       Abnormal bleeding associated with thrombocytope-   This is the most common cause of thrombocytope-
                      nia or abnormal platelet function is characterized  nia and is usually part of a generalized bone marrow
                      by spontaneous skin purpura (Fig.  25.3 ) and  failure  (Table   25.2 ).  Selective  megakaryocyte
                      mucosal haemorrhage and prolonged bleeding after  depression may result from drug toxicity or viral
                      trauma (Table  25.1 ). The main causes of thrombo-  infection. Rarely, it is congenital as a result of muta-

                      cytopenia are listed in Tables  25.2  and  25.3 .       tion of the c - MPL thrombopoietin receptor, in
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