Page 351 - Essential Haematology
P. 351

Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders  /  337

                                                     Eltrombopag 50 mg daily  Post-therapy
                                       Platelet count (x 10 9 /L)  160


                                             1  10   23   38   66   108   178  213  234
                                                               Study day

                                Figure 25.5   Response to eltrombopag in chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura in a female aged 75 after

                      failure of response to prednisolone. (Courtesy of Professor A. Newland.)
                          The diagnosis is one of exclusion and there is   bocytopenias (Fig.  25.6 ). Quinine (including that

                      debate as to the need for bone marrow aspiration.   in tonic water), quinidine and heparin are particu-
                      If the platelet count is over 30    ×    10  /L no treatment   larly common causes (Table  25.3 ).

                      is necessary unless the bleeding is severe. Th ose with    The platelet count is often less than 10  ×    10  /L,

                      counts below 20   ×    10  /L may be treated with ster-  and the bone marrow shows normal or increased
                      oids and/or intravenous immunoglobulin, espe-  numbers of megakaryocytes. Drug - dependent anti-

                      cially if there is significant bleeding.     bodies against platelets may be demonstrated in the

                                                                sera of some patients. The immediate treatment is
                          Infections                            to stop all suspected drugs but platelet concentrates
                                                                should be given to patients with dangerous
                        It seems likely that the thrombocytopenia associated   bleeding.
                      with many viral and protozoal infections is immune -
                       mediated. In HIV infection, reduced platelet pro-
                      duction is also involved    (see p. 390)   .        Thrombotic  t hrombocytopenic  p urpura
                                                                and  h aemolytic  u raemic  s yndrome
                          Post - t ransfusion  p urpura          Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)

                       Thrombocytopenia occurring approximately 10   occurs in familial or acquired forms. There is defi -
                      days after a blood transfusion has been attributed   ciency of the ADAMTS13 metalloprotease which
                      to antibodies in the recipient developing against the   breaks down ultra large von Willebrand factor mul-
                      human platelet antigen - 1a (HPA - 1a) (absent from   timers (ULVWF) (Fig.  25.7 ). In the familial forms
                      the patient  s own platelets) on transfused platelets.   more than 50 ADAMTS13 mutations have been
                      The reason why the patient  s own platelets are   reported whereas the acquired forms follow the

                      then destroyed is unknown.  Treatment is with   development of an inhibitory IgG autoantibody,
                      intravenous immunoglobulin, plasma exchange or   the presence of which may be stimulated by infec-
                      corticosteroids.                          tion, autoimmune/connective tissue disease, certain
                                                                drugs, stem cell transplantation or cardiac surgery.
                                                                ULVWF multimeric strings secreted from Weibel –
                          Drug - i nduced  i mmune  t hrombocytopenia

                                                                  Palade bodies are anchored to the endothelial cells,
                        An immunological mechanism has been demon-  and passing platelets adhere via their GPIb
                      strated as the cause of many drug - induced throm-  receptors. Increasing platelet aggregation onto the
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