Page 352 - Essential Haematology
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338  /  Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders

                                         Drug               protein complex


                                                                       Platelet lysis

                              Figure 25.6   Usual type of platelet damage caused by drugs in which an antibody – drug – protein complex is
                    deposited on the platelet surface. If complement is attached and the sequence goes to completion, the platelet
                    may be lysed directly. Otherwise it is removed by reticuloendothelial cells because of opsonization with
                    immunoglobulin and/or the C3 component of complement.

                    ULVWF multimeric strings has the potential to  The platelet count and serum LDH are useful for

                    form large occlusive platelet thrombi. Th ese strings  monitoring the response to treatment. Rituximab

                    are capable of emobolizing to microvessels down-  (anti - CD20) is also effective, used in conjunction
                    stream contributing to organ ischemia (Fig.  25.8 ).  with plasma infusions or with plasma exchange, and
                    In the closely related haemolytic uraemic syndrome  subsequently for reducing the risk of relapse. In
                    (HUS) ADAMTS13 levels are normal.         refractory cases and chronic relapsing cases, high -
                       TTP has traditionally been described as a pentad   dose corticosteroids, vincristine, intravenous immu-
                    of thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic haemolytic  noglobulin, rituximab and immunosuppressive
                    anaemia, neurologic abnormalities, renal failure and  therapy with azathioprine or cyclophosphamide

                    fever. The microvascular thrombosis causes variable  have been used. In untreated cases mortality may
                    degrees of tissue ischaemia and infarction and is  approach 90%. Relapses are frequent.
                    responsible for the microangiopathic haemolytic    HUS in children has many common features
                    anaemia and thrombocytopenia (Fig.  25.8 ). In  but organ damage is limited to the kidneys. Th ere
                    current clinical practice, thombocytopenia, schisto-  is also usually diarrhoea. Fits are frequent. Many
                    cytosis and an impressively elevated serum lactate  cases are associated with  Escherichia coli   infection
                    dehydrogenase (LDH) value are suffi  cient to suggest  with the verotoxin 0157 strain or with other organ-
                    the diagnosis. The serum LDH is derived both from  isms, especially  Shigella . Supportive renal dialysis

                    ischaemic or necrotic tissue cells and lysed red cells.  and control of hypertension and fits are the main-

                    Coagulation tests are normal in contrast to the fi nd-  stays of treatment. Platelet transfusions are con-
                    ings in DIC (see Fig.  26.9 ). The serum LDH is  traindicated in HUS and TTP.

                    raised. ADAMTS13 is absent or severely reduced in       Disseminated  i ntravascular  c oagulation

                       Treatment is with plasma exchange, using fresh   Thrombocytopenia may result from an increased
                    frozen plasma (FFP) or cryosupernatant. Th is  rate of platelet destruction through consumption of
                    removes the large molecular weight  VWF multi-  platelets because of their participation in DIC    (see
                    mers and the antibody and provides ADAMTS13.  p. 357)   .
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