Page 356 - Essential Haematology
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342  /  Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders

                                               BLOOD COUNT AND FILM

                                   LOW PLATELET COUNT      NORMAL PLATELET COUNT

                                  1  Bone marrow examination  1 Bleeding time
                                  2 Platelet antibodies   2  Platelet aggregation studies with ADP,
                                                            adrenaline, collagen and ristocetin
                                  3  Screening tests for DIC   (PFA-100)
                                                          3  Other special platelet tests, e.g. adhesion
                                                             studies, nucleotide pool measurement
                                                          4  Von Willebrand factor assay
                                                            Factor VIII clotting assay

                              Figure 25.11   Laboratory tests for platelet disorders. NB. Some intrinsic platelet functional disorders are
                    associated with thrombocytopenia (e.g. Bernard – Soulier syndrome). ADP, adenosine diphosphate; DIC,
                    disseminated intravascular coagulation.

                    angioplasty) in patients with a history of sympto-      Uraemia
                    matic atherosclerotic disease. Intravenous agents
                                                               This is associated with various abnormalities of

                    abciximab, eptifibatide and tirofiban are inhibitors
                                                              platelet function. Heparin, dextrans, alcohol and
                    of GPIIb/IIIa receptor sites and may be used in
                                                              radiographic contrast agents may also cause defec-
                    patients undergoing percutaneous coronary inter-
                                                              tive function.
                    vention, with unstable angina and acute coronary
                    syndromes. There is a risk of transient thrombocy-

                    topenia with these agents, especially with abcixi-      Diagnosis of  p latelet  d isorders
                    mab, and platelet transfusions may be needed.
                                                               Patients with suspected platelet or blood vessel
                                                              abnormalities should initially have a blood count

                                                              and blood film examination (Fig.  25.11 ). Bone
                     Hyperglobulinaemia associated with multiple   marrow examination is often needed in thrombocy-
                    myeloma  or  Waldenstr ö m ’ s  disease  may  cause   topenic patients to determine whether or not there

                    interference with platelet adherence, release and   is a failure of platelet production. The marrow may
                    aggregation.                              also reveal one of the conditions associated with
                                                              defective production (Table  25.2 ). In children and
                                                              young adults with isolated thrombocytopenia, the
                        Myeloproliferative and  m yelodysplastic
                      d isorders                              marrow test is often not performed. In the elderly,
                                                              the test is needed particularly to exclude myelodys-
                      Intrinsic abnormalities of platelet function occur   plasia. In patients with thrombocytopenia, a nega-
                    in many patients with essential thrombocythaemia,   tive drug history, normal or excessive numbers of
                    other myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic   marrow megakaryocytes and no other marrow
                    diseases  and  in   paroxysmal  nocturnal  abnormality or splenomegaly, ITP is the usual diag-
                    haemoglobinuria.                          nosis. Testing for platelet antibodies in serum or on
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