Page 357 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders  /  343

                      the surface of platelets has not proved reliable in   active orally and given daily. They are used in ITP
                      distinguishing ITP from other causes of thrombo-  (Fig.  25.5 ) and are in trial in other conditions
                      cytopenia. Screening tests for DIC are also useful,   (e.g.  post - chemotherapy,  myelodysplasia,  aplastic

                      as are tests for an underlying disease (e.g. SLE or   anaemia). They may cause disturbed liver function
                      HIV infection).                           and increased bone marrow reticulin. Th eir  long -
                          When the blood count, including platelet count    term use may cause marrow fibrosis which is revers-

                      and blood film examination, are normal, a PFA - 100   ible by stopping the drug.
                      or, much less frequently, a bleeding time is used to
                      detect abnormal platelet function. In most patients       Platelet  t ransfusions
                      with abnormal platelet function demonstrated by
                      prolonged bleeding time, or the PFA - 100 test, the    Transfusion of platelet concentrates is indicated in
                      defect is acquired and associated either with sys-  the following circumstances:
                      temic disease (e.g. uraemia) or with aspirin therapy.
                                                                   1      Thrombocytopenia or abnormal platelet function

                      The very rare hereditary defects of platelet function
                                                                  when bleeding or before invasive procedures and
                      require more elaborate  in vitro  tests to defi ne the
                                                                  where there is no alternative therapy available

                      specific abnormality. These include platelet aggrega-
                                                                  (e.g. steroids or high dose immunoglobulin). Th e
                      tion studies (Fig.  25.10 ) and measurements of                           9

                                                                  platelet count should be above 50  ×    10  /L before,

                      platelet nucleotide levels. If von Willebrand disease
                                                                  for example, liver biopsy or lumbar puncture.
                      is suspected, assay of VWF and coagulation factor
                                                                   2      Prophylactically in patients with platelet counts
                      VIII are required.                                             9
                                                                  of less than 5 – 10    ×    10  /L. If there is infection,
                                                                  potential bleeding sites or coagulopathy, the

                                Thrombomimetics                   count should be kept above 20   ×    10  /L).
                       These are drugs that increase platelet production by    The indications for transfusion of platelet

                      activating the thrombopoietin receptor on meg-  concentrates are discussed further on    p. 410   . Th ese
                      akaryocytes.  Two such drugs are thromboplastin   indications may change with the wider use of
                      given subcutaneously once weekly and eltrombopag   thrombomimetic drugs.

                                  ■   Vascular bleeding disorders may be   (ii) increased consumption of platelets.

                           congenital including hereditary         This may be acute or chronic autoimmune,
                           haemorrhagic telangiectasia and the     drug - induced, caused by disseminated
                           Ehlers – Danlos syndrome.               intravascular coagulation or thrombotic
                              ■    Acquired vascular disorders include fragile   thrombocytopenic purpura.    SUMMARY

                           capillaries in healthy women, senile         ■    Chronic autoimmune thrombocytopenia is

                           purpura, purpura associated with        treated by immunosuppression with
                           infections, Henoch – Sch ö nlein syndrome,   corticosteroids, rituximab, azathioprine,
                           scurvy and steroid therapy.             ciclosporin or by splenectomy.

                              ■    Thrombocytopenia, if severe, also causes         ■    The platelet count may be raised
                           skin and mucous membrane bleeding. It   by platelet transfusion or by the
                           has a wide range of causes including:   thrombomimetic drugs eltrombopag or
                           (i) failure of platelet production from a   romiplastin.
                           congenital cause, drugs or viral infection         ■    Disorders of platelet function may be

                           or a general bone marrow failure;       hereditary as in von Willebrand disease,
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