Page 362 - Essential Haematology
P. 362

348  /  Chapter 26  Coagulation disorders


                                                                                      Figure 26.5   (a)  Haemophilia A:

                                                                            massive haemorrhage in the area
                                                                            of the right buttock.  (b)  15 - year -
                                                                              old boy with sudden left hip pain
                                                                            and haemophilia A. Magnetic
                                                                            resonance imaging (MRI) axial
                                                                            image, T2 weighted, revealing
                                                                            large left spontaneous haematoma
                                                                            (yellow arrow) in left gluteus
                                                                            maximus muscle compared with
                                                                            normal right side (red cross).
                    (b)                                                     (Courtesy of Dr P. Wylie.)

                    became infected with HIV. Acquired immune defi -      Laboratory  fi ndings  (Table    26.2   )

                    ciency syndrome (AIDS) has been a common cause
                    of death in severe haemophilia. Th rombocytopenia   Th  e following tests are abnormal:
                    from HIV infection may exacerbate bleeding
                    episodes.                                    1      Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT).
                        Many patients were infected with hepatitis C
                    virus before testing of donors and blood products      2      Factor VIII clotting assay.
                    became possible. This has resulted in chronic hepa-

                    titis, cirrhosis and hepatoma. Hepatitis B transmis-   The platelet function analysis - 100 (PFA - 100) (and

                    sion may also be a risk. Liver transplantation cures  bleeding time) and prothrombin time (PT) are
                    the haemophilia.                          normal.
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